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Waking up in the morning is still the hardest thing for me to do these days. Flat stomach and no baby gives me the wicked nightmares and panics in the morning. Reminding me that my child is not with me and in my dreams or you can call these nightmares because I always find my child dead which makes it worse in the morning for me to wake up.

Sleep to me now is torture not until I get my child back with me. I still go to my therapy sessions and every day I find myself at the hospital NICU.

The gossip with Tia hasn't calmed down. I'm now labeled as a homewrecker, man stealer and worse names that I can't repeat. Just what she wanted, the media to tear me up to ruin my image. I can't even go out anymore because of this not like Derek would allow me.

Even at the hospital I get stared at. Some glares at me with scorn and disgust but others just mind their own business. The only persons in this hospital that would get close and friendly with me is the nurse taking care of my baby and the doctor who was in the delivery room that had delivered my baby.

It has been 10 days since and nothing in the media has changed only leaking of more false information about me and Derek gaining loads amount of pity. Going onto different platforms saying the same sob story. And to make it more believable there was a photo of us leaving that one party that he invited me to.

When asked about how no one knew about her and Derek relationship she goes on to say 'We just wanted to keep it out of the media, to be able to go out without the paparazzi showing up, to have a relationship like normal people without the whole media in it with the world' and since Derek was such a big shot in the business industry the news was everywhere on everything.

None affected me though not even in the slightest because when everything is said and done I still got what I love the most and that's my baby and he's alive. So when she talked about the baby not being for Derek I couldn't careless when people called me a whore and a liar. They were the one assuming that the baby was his not me.

Saying the baby was his was all on them if they had put their nose where it doesn't belong. I just feel sorry for Derek that because of me he's going through this. I'm glad that this doesn't affect his work and his imagine. I'm the only one getting all the angry glares and comments. He's just called a cheater and a fool better than what they call me.

And if this doesn't work I think she'll go further and release to the media about my past but that would be foolish of her because that would only get sympathy knowing I had a rough past . She can't lie about that. Can she?

She's so twisted I don't think there is nothing she won't do to make me suffer. She's like those mythical creatures, vampires, wants to suck every happiness out of my life until I'm dry. Leaving just a shell of my former self.

But I won't let. I have not come this far just to let her strangle with lies. All those weak spots that she thought I had they aren't weak anymore. And that's one thing she doesn't know about me yet and that'll be her weakness me being stronger than she thought.




"Let's go out," Derek said out of the blue.


"Let's go out," he repeated the same thing that I thought I had imagined.

"Why?" I asked because I was confused.

"Because I want to go out with you." He answered in a duh way like the reason wasn't obvious.

"I don't want to go out and you don't have to take me out your not responsible for treating me like this," I reasoned. Ignoring me he said.

"Is it because of what's going on recently?"

"No, it's not that but I..." I didn't get to tell him my reason before he interrupted me.

"No excuse Rosie I want to take you out to dinner," he said firmly no room for disagreeing but I disagreed with him.

"Why don't we have dinner here instead?" I tried.

"No, I want to take you out to a restaurant to eat, enjoy the evening with me..." He started but I interrupted him this time.

"But..." this time he didn't wait to hear what I had to say about this.

"I won't take no for an answer Rosie, I just want you to relax if only for tonight to get rid of your worries and don't worry about the baby, he's fine," he said like he knew I was worrying about Kenzo. I love me son and I just want to spend every waking minute with him. I just can't wait to have him home with me in my arms.

"I don't know." I still was reluctant to go I just wanted to go to the hospital and spend as much time as I can with him.

"I'll be back at 6:30 be ready by then," he ordered and left.

Derek never changed he's still the bossy man I knew for five years but there is something else I learnt about him with my stay is that he is very kind and caring and no matter the tough exterior he always wear I know that deep inside he's a softy to the core.

I guess being a business man you have to be tough and rough to handle the world of conniving business men. I'm just lucky and glad that I got to see this side of him.

Because of the help from him I'm a better woman now, a proud mother and I'm strong. I know now I can take on the world no matter what and if it isn't for myself it's for my son, Kenzo Bishop.

I'll always be there to protect you.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now