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I was getting ready to leave my office when there was a knock at the door. I looked at the time and furrowed my brow in confusion.

I stopped what I was doing to see who it was when everyone was supposed to be leaving the office.

I opened the door and I was surprised to see who it was. I stepped aside so that he may enter.

"I was just leaving but since as you're already here how can I help you." I said closing the door while sighing on the inside. I really don't want to deal with him right now but he's my boss and I can't tell him to leave like I want him to or just leave he is already here.

I walked passed him and to my desk to get my notepad out of my drawer. I sit down and waited for him to begin giving me orders and my tasks but he surprised me when he said he wasn't here for work.

I put down the notepad and stare at him waiting for him tell me what he is here for if it's not work related.

He took the seat in front of me and stare at me for a brief moment before he spoke the words that not only surprised me but confused me.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking at me in the eyes. I was just about to lie and say I am but he held up his hand to stop me when he somehow knew that I was going to lie. "And don't lie to me. I want the truth because today is the first I have seen you so out of it and I had to repeat myself twice." He looked at me waiting for me to open up to him but I stayed there with my mouth close.

I am not about to spill my personal life with him. I don't want to talk about it think about anymore I just want to forget but that seems harder than I thought it would be. How can one forget about a five year relationship? Forget about someone who made you immensely happy when beyond those years you have been suffering and they were the one to show you what love is. They were the one who cared for you and you trust them but in the end they hurt you. How does that feel?

Like being run down by a bus or jumping off of a high building. Like getting stabbed in your heart repeatedly and somehow you are still alive but it would have been better if you were dead as death would have released from a life time of pain but instead they made you suffer.

Instead I try to work my way around his question. "I know that I've been unresponsive through the whole day sir but I'm sorry about my lack of response today but I assure you that I am quite alright. I was just tired." I told him some of the truth because I was tired too but that wasn't all why I was out of it today.

He watched me carefully as I try to look vulnerable as I did earlier today. "Okay." He said simply but he didn't make a move to get up or any sign of leaving but unlucky for him I don't have all day.

"I'll see at work tomorrow Mr Wesley." I told him. He only nodded maybe lost in his thoughts. I left him in my office.

I sighed. I was sitting on the hotel bed thinking about my next move but I had nothing. No where to go. I have no family but I could always call Angela but it's too late and I don't want to bother her.

I couldn't move back down there. I had find peace with my past but I haven't find peace with the place that everything happened to me.

I don't want to go running back but where am I going to go. Maybe I should start look for an apartment to rent I'm sure I can find one in my budget.

Nothing too far that I can't reach I still have to get stuff for the baby and I. It's still new to me that I have a life inside of me.

I stayed up late searching for an apartment that is near to my work.


I plan to visit those three apartments that I have found online after work. I stepped out of the elevator and to my office.

I knew I was slow at work yesterday so I have alot of work to do I'm sure of that. I saw alot of papers on my desk.

I sighed. Let's get to it. I was reading and calling back and forth and answering calls.

I was exhausted by the end of my work hours and I didn't think I was going to make it to the apartments without falling asleep from exhaustion on the way.

I file away the last of the paper. Signing out I shut off my computer stand up for someone to knock on the door. I slumped my shoulder. I just can't get a break can I. They know it's past my work hours. I don't get paid enough.

"Come in." I said tiredly. I drop my bag on the desk defeated. I'm never getting out of here.

Someone opened the door and poked their head in. "Mr Wesley will like to see you before you go." They said and I looked up.

I saw Melody smiling sadly at me. I told her I'll be doing so. She hesitate first asking me if I'm okay and when I reassured her that I'm doing fine she left me to go see my boss.

He couldn't leave me alone could he. Just yesterday he was in my office asking me if I am okay. When did he got so concerned about me? Six years I've been working with him and have been nothing but that so why now.

I already have something going on in my life and I don't need him sticking his nose in it. I don't think he would be happy to here that I'm pregnant. It's not his business but I don't think he would like that I'll be going on maternity leave when I'm close to the date. I bet all he would think about is that he's going to lose a little when one of his staff is missing.

I didn't wanted to have that conversation again or any conversation at all right now. All I wanted to do was drive to those apartments and then go back to my hotel room.

But instead here I am knocking on a door to be greeted by a low come in.

"You wanted to see me sir." I said as soon as I was on the other side of the door and inside his office.

He looked up from the sound of my voice. "Please take a seat Ms Robinson." I wanted to protest so bad and tell him that I don't have time to talk whether it was about work or me or whatever is important enough or not to call me over here. I just sat down and waited for him to talk. He looked at me then back down at the paper work that was in front of him.

He opened his mouth again after a few second of silence was passed between us. "I know you must be wondering why I wanted to see you."

I wanted to scoff or retort something that I would regret but i refrain and went with a simple nod.

"I'll just get straight to the point and say that I'm giving you a raise." He told me watching me for a reaction.

I just stared at him like I'm waiting for him to add something else but he never did. I have him a confused look. I understand what a raise mean but I don't see why I deserve a raise. Sure at some point in my life I would have request it maybe when my pay isn't enough to reach my needs anymore.

But for now i wasn't considering it as I am focusing on other stuff like finding somewhere to live and to figure out the rest of my life.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now