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I stopped the car in front of the place I once called home. The place where I thought I would spend the rest of my life in and grow old with the man I love who I thought love me. The place where I'll be leaving everything behind.

I parked the car got out. I walked up the driveway and now I am standing in front of the door that would lead me inside where my memories reside.

I held my breath and when I heard no sound from the opposite side of the door I let it out slowly. I sighed put the key in the key hole turn it and heard when the door unlocked. I turned the door knob and push the door revealing the empty inside.

I paused for a second taking another deep breath putting my right foot forward and then the left. When I was completely inside I looked outside then I take another step then another and closed the door.

It felt different not like it use to. It's just sad how hours ago I was in this house with him talking and laughing now it's no more.

I don't feel that homey feeling anymore when I leave and come back home. Coldness greets me instead of that warmness I was so familiar with but I didn't dally or thought twice on my thoughts and made my way upstairs and started gathering my things.

I packed bags after bags soon my side of the closet was empty and all my clothes was in a bag. I know he's at work but I wasn't going to take any chances.

I double checked to see if I was leaving anything behind because I wasn't planning on coming back here. I grabbed two bags and started to throw them in his car not caring.

I went back upstairs for the rest and if I leave anything behind it would have to stay here, let him throw it out when he finds it. I was almost to the door when it opened and I stopped.

Tia came walking inside the house smiling and then him. I stood there and waited for them to notice me and when they both did they stopped.

The smile on both of their faces vanished but it was too late I already saw it, their happiness. What did I expect? Them to be devastated that I'm gone. No I don't think so. They get to continue what they had going on without any interruption or sneaking around.

No one spoke we just stood there in the silence staring at each other. He looks down to my bags and then back at my face that I kept passive since they opened the door and walked inside.

But deep inside I was a mess. I wanted to cry but I didn't want them to see how seeing the two of them together happy was affecting me. I should have know better. Instead of coming after me he went after her.

My heart was crying in it's own way with my mind running wild and if they hold hands or kiss in front of me that would just be it for me. I was going to break like a dam that been holding back a large amount of water and is finally giving way.

He was the first to break the silence and I wish he never had. Hearing him talk made me see how much I missed him and his voice. How I long to hear him call my name and talk to me again.

"Rosie what are you doing here?" He asked. Why did he chose to ask that question? Why didn't he ask me if I'm okay? How is our baby? But no he choose to ask me why I am here?

It made me feel like I was intruding and I shouldn't be there. I wanted to cry but I curse that tear it listened but for how long. That's why I need to get out of here.

"I needed to get my things but don't worry I'm leaving." I was surprised when I didn't choke on my words and they didn't come out like I was about to cry. Sometimes it's surprising how strong a person can sound when they are on the verge of tears. But that strength will pass for me so before everything fall apart in front of me I took a step then another and now I'm walking.

"Rosie wait." He reached out for my hand but I took a step back out of his reach.

So many things ran through my mind at the moment. I wanted to drop my bags and run in to his arms that I know are always welcoming. I wanted to tell him I miss him. I wanted him to tell me he misses me, that he still loves me. I wish we didn't come to this.

I wished he didn't cheated. So many things I wished for in that moment but I know that things can't be the same between us and every time I look at him I will only see that moment where he was kissing my best friend. Their body touching each other how his body touches mine and at this point in my life I just want to forget.

I was looking at my bags in my hands so I lift my head to look him in the eyes. When I looked him in the eyes I could see all the sorrys he was going to tell me. Before he could utter a word to me I beat him to it.

"I don't wanna hear it. Got too much sorrys to save me a lifetime. So I don't wanna hear it. I just want to leave. I can't stand it. Just make me leave. I can see that you're happy and so am I." I lied but I didn't care I just wanted to get out of this house, to get away from them. To make it all convincing I gave him my best smile. "I just came here to pick up my things and now I'm leaving." I stepped forward again but he didn't move causing me to glare at him.

"Rosie please just hear me out. I told you it's not what you think. I'm sorry." He says determine ignoring my glares.

"Okay." I didn't have the strength to argue. I'm already drain and I still have to go to the gala with my boss. "I need to go."

He sighed. I waited for him to move out of my way and when he did I bolted out of that house threw the bags in the bag and speed off away from him, from the house, from her before my tears could fall and before I fall apart.

I know I should be crying while driving but I couldn't help I seeing the both of them together. My vision was getting blurry and before I could kill the both of us in a car crash I stepped on the brake and turn the car off of the road and park it.

There on the side of the road I cried my eyes out. It felt like my heart was about to burst but I don't stop. I cried and when I started to hiccup I didn't stop. It felt like I need it and if I cry my tears would wash away my problems. I didn't stop thinking that it would make me better but it never did only made me feel worse.

Here I am crying in the car on the road side while they are happy together without me. At that thought I tried to calm down. I wanted these tears to stop but stopping them felt impossible.

Did he think of me now that I'm gone or has he moved on. My heart tighten in my chest painfully and it's the only pain I wish I didn't feel. It felt like I would die of it. I could pass out in this car any second from dehydration because I just wasted my tears on my face and in the palm of my hands when I tried to catch them. To stop them from flowing more but it didn't help.

Or I could pass out from the pain of my own heart break. Now I know how a heartbreak feels i don't think I could hurt any one. I would wish them this pain.

When I was half way there to calm down I left the road side and to the hotel where I am staying.

I was tired when I reached the hotel and to my room. I don't know how long I can keep up the the bills so tomorrow I will have to go live in the empty apartment.

I didn't really care when I reached my room and the door was locked behind me. I just let myself drop carelessly in the chair letting out a sigh.

"A hotel really?" A husky voice sound in the empty room. I jumped holding my hand to my chest holding my heart in while my eyes scan the room alert now.

My eyes land on a figure leaning in one of the corner in the room. I looked for other persons that could be hiding as well but there was only one.

My heart slow down but not completely. Then the figure step out into the light.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now