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As soon as the car stopped I raced into the house going to my baby's room. I trust Derek to hire someone who will take good care of my son but I miss him so much.

I didn't see the babysitter when I entered the house. She wasn't in the nursery either. I walked over to the crib and there he was sleeping peacefully. I don't know how long I stood there staring at my little angel before I had to look away.

"Oh, Ms Robinson I didn't hear when you returned," she paused at the door before entering.

"We just came back," I told her.

"And I'm guessing you rushed over here as soon as you arrived," she guessed standing beside me looking at the sleeping babe in the crib before looking back at me.

" It's not that I don't trust you," she holds her hand up stopping me from speaking any further.

"I get it. You're his mother, can't stay away from him for too long. Nor can I. He's so cute." She said smiling down at Kenzo in his crib.

I smiled too. "I can tell he's going to be a heartthrob," she adds.

"Nah, he's going to be a gentleman, I'm sure of it I'm the one raising him," I told her.

She smiled looking down at the baby with a gentle smile before she excuses herself, taking her leave.

I decided to take a short nap since Kenzo was sleeping and boy was it short. I think I just closed my eyes before I was woken by the sound of his cries.

Sleepily I headed to the nursery when suddenly he stopped crying. My zombie walk was suddenly gone as the dowriness left my body and now I was running into the room.

Nothing could prepare me for the sight that was in front of me. I was speechless and a kind of fear took over me that I'd never felt before. Under that fear, I was raging and disgusted that the person holding my child was that woman.

She ruined my life. After all, that happened today, how she was humiliated, I thought she would leave go to another state and leave me alone.

But no, now she is here in Derek's house holding my baby, smiling happily down at my son like she's his mother. If I didn't think she was crazy then I know now she is crazy.

How the hell did she get in?

"Who's a cute baby? You are," Tia cooed smiling

I wanted to go over there and grab my son out of her dirty clutches as soon as she started cooing to my child. But I wouldn't risk it. She might go crazy.

My mind was running a mile thinking of ways to get my baby from the psychopath but every thought that I think of seems like a risk to me.

I don't want to take any chances with her holding my baby. I was just standing there watching her playing with my baby like it was her own. Did she hear when I entered the room? Maybe not. Or did she just choose to ignore my presence?

I never knew that she was this sick if I had known I would have gotten her some help. Does she have an obsession with my life and everything in it?

Why can't she leave me alone? She has ruined my previous relationship. Tried to destroy my reputation now she wants to act like a mother to my child.

If the former didn't trigger the hate in me for this woman standing in my child's nursery then the latter will. I wanted to go up there and grab my baby. I clenched my fists thinking about it.

If it wasn't for the cons of frightening the deranged woman I wouldn't have hesitated because who knows what will happen or what she will do. Animals are most dangerous when cornered.

But what to do? The dilemma was killing me. I should have gone back get my phone and called the police but I couldn't leave her alone with my baby who knows what her intentions are.

When I realized that she wasn't ignoring me and only the fact that she didn't hear me enter at all. I decided to make my presence known to her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. She stopped playing with the baby to look at me. Her smile immediately dropped as she scowled at me. Then she smiled as she replied.

"Looking after my son of course." She had that crazy look in her eyes like she really believed that he was her son.

I stayed silent watching her holding my son and rocking him to sleep. She proceeded to put him back in his crib when his eyes closed and he was back to sleep.

Smiling down at the sleeping baby she turned around and that sweet smile on her lips turned into a crazy one.

Out of nowhere, a knife appeared in her hand. On instinct, I stepped back my eyes going to the crib worrying about my sleeping baby. She followed my line of sight and laughed.

"You don't have to worry about him. At first, I was going to kill you and the baby but when I saw his cute little face I couldn't plus I'm not going to kill my son." That was a relief knowing my son was safe. I only have my safety to worry about standing in front of a woman who was my best friend.

I don't see that woman anymore just a madwoman. She made her first time forward and I take one back.

"Tia you don't want to do this, "I said trying to convince her. She never paused to think about it and kept advancing on me.

"Of course. I can never get what I want when you're alive. It's best If I just kill you," she said coming closer and closer. I keep taking steps backwards watching her every move while keeping my distance.

"Tia you don't have to do this," I repeated hoping to get through to her a second time but it was no use. It was like trying to convince a chicken they can fly.

"Of course, how else am I going to find happiness with you always getting in the way."

"This is not you Tia, I've known you for five years to know that you don't want to do this. I can get you help," I plead with her.

She laughs. "Know what I want." She had that crazy look in her eyes. "Now you're thinking about what I want. I warned you Rosie but you never listen, you always want things to go your way.

"Tia you need help." I had no other idea on how to pacify her. I'm trying to tell her as gently as possible to try and get through the fog in her brain but it was of no use because she snarled at me.

"What I need is for you to die," she lunged at me after saying those words. I sidestepped get to avoid the knife that would be coming down on my chest.

"You're insane," I accused her which she surely. She's attacking me with a kitchen knife because she wants my life if that doesn't classify her as insane then what will.

I run for the door trying to create as much distance between us and for the safety of my child. She says she wouldn't hurt him but I can't trust her not to. She gives chase.

I kept looking back to ensure there was distance between me, her and the knife. That's one mistake I make not looking where I'm going which slows me down a great deal.

She lunged at me grabbing me by the ankle. I tripped falling to the ground using my hand to break my fall and prevent my head from hitting the hard floor.

I groaned in pain but I had no time to recover as I turned on my back while Tia tries to climb up my body with the knife still in sight. I was trying to kick her off my body but she dodged my kicks.

She lifts the knife ready to plunge it into my chest. Since she was above me she has the advantage. Using all my strength to prevent myself from getting stabbed in the chest.

Seeing that she was in between my legs I bring them up around her body. It was a little difficult but I did it wrapping them around her midriff I started to squeeze her as hard as I can.

I don't know if it'll work but I didn't give up. There was nothing in my hand to hit her over the head with plus I was too afraid to let go.

It worked, which surprised me. Her pushing strength with the knife finally eased a little as she started to feel the pain in her side. I didn't relent, I squeezed as hard as I can.

Cheated and Pregnant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now