30. Cara

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My first experience of the cold weather and the white snow was strange to say the least.

The snow was soft and it was awfully cold. But it was a moment I never thought I would experience what with the way my life was.

My hand went to stroke the scar on the inside of my wrist and I breathed in deeply before my fingers ghosted over Lucien's Jade ring. 

I stuck my head out of the window, looking at the back of a Fae King in particular. Arion never once during our journey failed to look grand. He was every bit royal and every bit a King of a whole race.

The weather had drastically changed when we entered Casteil but now as we left the boundaries, it was getting warmer.

We were getting closer to Valeryn. And to be honest, there was a kernel of excitement wriggling inside me. Another new land to see and explore. In fact, with the temperature difference, it was only another thing added to my growing list of novel experiences.

I didn't want to accept it, but it was something almost akin to a gift.

"It's getting warmer, isn't it?" Sera beamed at me and I looked at her, nodding. I was already out of my cloak. The sun was brightly shining and it felt good. 

Warm. Like a mother's hug. But it was quickly getting hotter.

"Are you excited to see Valeryn?" 

In the course of these five days of travelling nothing exciting or dangerous aside from the encounter on the first day had taken place but Seraphima remained relentless in her efforts of talking to me. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slowly starting to warm up to her despite my lack of words.

"I am, actually." I admitted and she smiled, flashing her pearly teeth.

"You'll love it." She affirmed and I raised my brows. "My brother is a good King after all." The Princess added on a teasing note and I had to smile.

The bumpy ride continued but suddenly all I could see was a vast land so beautiful and alive, that it felt like I was in heaven. I sucked in a sharp breath awed how something so beautiful could exist. So much greenery. 

So much life.

Pinks and blues and reds and yellows dotted the rolling hills and the falling waterfalls were foaming like white milk where the water filled lakes and ponds sparkled like a thousand diamonds reflecting the light. The sun was smiling down upon the beauty.

And slowly.........

That land was burned to ashes. 

There was nothing but a battleground, dripping with red and weapons and bodies laying about. There was smoke and there was darkness. There were cries full of pain, there was wreckage full of hatred. There was a castle that was destroyed; ruined. There were gates that were broken. There was no phoenix rising from the ashes.

So much death.

But there were screams of such agony that I felt my heart tearing apart, as if arrows aimed right at my heart were puncturing through it as I gasped.

Finally out of the vision, I felt my heartbeat match the speed of the galloping horses.

I blinked, my chest heaving as I willed myself to calm down.

Another new vision. Why?

I bit the inside of my cheek wanting to forget the beauty and destruction that I saw. Peeking at Seraphima I saw her gave me a nonchalant smile before going back to looking outside.

That was when I was sure of one out of two things.

Seraphima wasn't fazed by my zoning out and reaction at all. As if she knew of it already. And she certainly did know more about me than I did myself.

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