26. Cara

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"You don't really have anything to pack either so we're in luck! We'll leave in two hours, do whatever you wish to in that period of time. I'll meet you in the garden outside, alright?"

I blinked and numbly nodded, barely comprehending what just happened. "Alright."

"Great!" And with a twirl of her red gown, the ocher haired Fae Princess left me to my own antics in the hallways outside.

I was still in shock when I took one step and focused on simply walking very slowly till I reached the end of the hallway. I turned her words over in my head.

I was leaving Celera.

How was it even possible? But it wasn't even that long ago when I was still wanting to reach the safety of Adalda, when I was confined to Celera and now I was to go to Valeryn?

I realized how fast the past month and a half had passed by. Like they hadn't even existed. 

Thinking it over, I knew my chances of escape - even mere survival - were quite minuscule in Celera. In fact, over the course of time, I think escape wasn't even on my mind with all that was happening. Things were going too fast.

But Valeryn....

Valeryn was different. 

The Land of the Fae.

Even the journey would expose me to places I hadn't even dared think of. I wanted that though, honestly. To see far and high. But the circumstances wouldn't be favorable.

I gulped, a certain dizziness creeping over me.

Clutching my dagger, I thought of the queen spouting mysteries to me. Had she been the one to readily agree? I wouldn't be surprised. But spending more time with Princess Seraphima seemed almost dangerous. Because I wasn't viewing her as a danger and rather warming up to her.

That was bad.

As if it wasn't enough, Arion wasn't going anywhere either. And every time I saw that russet hair and those stormy grey eyes, I just felt like I would probably turn into a mute.

My fingers ghosted over the healed bite marks on my forearm that Alpha had given me before I saw a flash of golden eyes in the back of my mind. The mere reverie made a tremor course through me. Of fear or something else, I wasn't so sure.

Though the wound was healed - at an exceptionally fast pace thanks to Alpha - the scars remained. Four marks, two of which were clearly deeply embedded fangs, were visible and the skin was upraised and pink. If paid due attention any of the guys could spot it. I remembered clear as day how much the bite had hurt and how Alpha had soothed it all away.

My body had experienced pain enough and despite not having an easily noticible scar......I had my fair share of them. My back was nothing much compared to some others but it wasn't pretty.

I've started to realize that no matter the hardships I think I faced, I was still in a way sheltered. And if given the chance I would like to change things for the others in the brutal system of slavery.

I don't really now how Sera, Arion, Lucien or Damien even came to a decision of carting me off two kingdoms away in an important council meeting, don't even know why they even remembered me but what was done was done.

The weather in Celera was almost always cloudy and though my stay here had been mostly when the blankets and the heavy clothes weren't essential, the growing chill over the Palace and the dark clouds were not just a result of the approaching colder months.

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now