15. Cara

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I have ZERO--I repeat, zero--idea how I managed to come this far without getting caught.

I breathed in deeply, the moonlight scarce with the crescent shape of tonight's moon, and licked my dry lips as my heart pounded in my chest.

This was the last hallway I had to cross in order to reach the said room.

I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't been marking these palace rooms and halls to get a rough layout. I couldn't depend on Britt entirely, after all.

The less guards could be a result of......yeah, I don't know. Maybe the shifting of the troops? Maybe it was a patrol rotation I hadn't been aware of? Could be anything. Yet it felt deliberate and that confused me further. I knew I was being stupid but I had to have the only weapon I could and a connection to my parents, the object of sentimental value within my grasp.

I slunk past the unguarded hallway and soon stood in front of the dark stone room. It was empty surely. Don't ask how, but I felt like there wasn't any immediate threat. Still, it could backfire.

I exhaled shakily.

What was I doing?

But now was most certainly not the time to have cold feet. So I ambled forward and, as noiselessly as possible, opened the door and entered the room.

Shutting the door behind me after a glance on either side and making sure I hadn't been followed, I turned to face the slightly damp and musky blackness.

I gulped thickly, my stomach turning at the last memory I had of this place. I would've faced a bloody fate had it not been for Damien and Lucien. Damien and Lucien of all people! I shook my head and nodded firmly.

The room was still dark, save for some moonbeams entering from two fairly small windows. The humid feeling hadn't left and I could smell the slight metallic scent of blood in the air. I even spotted a few smudges here and there of dried blood.

I wonder what this room is actually used for?

The thought was nostalgic and only managed to make me feel more anxious. A chill ran through me.

I didn't get this room at all, yet for the second time today, I was in this darkly entrapped chamber full of whispered secrets never to leave the shadow of this very chamber.

I trampled over my curiosity and the feelings the room had awoken shortly.

Scanning the area, I wracked my brain to remember the place where the dagger had skittered towards. I followed the trail to where I knew I had been at he mercy of Minister Gallum and the the area I'd seen it falling towards from my peripheral.

I headed in that direction.

I slightly frowned when I reached the place and there was nothing there.

I looked around the area, here and there. I even drifted from the place I thought was where my dagger should've been. But nothing.


Could someone have possibly taken it?

The thought made my eyes widen and my pulse skittered as the horrifying possibility played out in my mind.

It was possible.

I slightly frowned and exhaled as I turned around. I couldn't stay here any longer, it was too risky for me but.....

I crushed all my other thoughts and made my way silently to the door.

I was about to open it when a smooth voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

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