16. Damien

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"The party is to be held in the Great Hall, so make sure it's spic and span. Everyone, I want your assigned duties to be properly executed." Milla's voice was cold and strict as she directed the girls in the lines in front of her. All in a perfect formation.

But my eyes didn't seek anyone but her.

They had found the jade green eyed and onyx haired girl withing seconds and refused to look anywhere else. Like she had me entrapped.

As I leaned against the pillar on the first floor of the Great Hall and observed Cara, I heard Milla's annoying voice ordering the girls for the preparations for tonight's welcome party for the Fae king.

Arion would be arriving tonight. Along with his sister; the Princess Seraphima, or as she preferred being called - Sera. I wasn't really happy to know they were being welcomed with such a grand party but there was nothing to be done. I suppose it's time Arion and I have a battle of the charms. After all, it's been ages since we last did.

"–And I expect only the best from all of you. Also, you shall be given a slightly altered dress code to wear for tonight as you tend to our guests. The Fae are here to stay for some time and their proper welcome will include the presence of a lot of noble vampires. So cater to them as well."

Milla's eyes swept over the figures in front of her before she gave a sharp nod and all the slave girls scattered to head in their own directions. 

My eyes trailed a certain onyx haired girl and soon I was on the ground floor, right outside of the doors to the Hall we were all in. 

Of course they probably hadn't sensed or seen me. Plus, I wasn't looking for recognition. Just aiming to see what Cara's usual day consisted of since Lucien seemed to be well acquainted with it all and that was an up I did not like him having. Besides, I wanted a couple of my own questions answered. 

A sweet honey and lemon scent of blood laced with a stronger lilac one had me inhaling deeply. Last time I had been in a blood lust and had only scented her blood. But now, with my heightened senses I recognized her signature scent which was actually lilacs and lemons. Not a bad one, to be honest.

The moment I saw her passing in front of me, I abandoned my casual position, grabbed hold of her forearms and using my speed, took us to a more....private section of the palace.

When we were a a standstill and my eyes connected with a pair of jade green ones, I found Cara blinking dazedly and slightly unsteady on her feet.

"Oh yes, the speed would've been overwhelming for a mundane creature like you." I shrugged and she seemed to have focused in on me. A slight crease appeared between her brows. She must have comprehended the situation.

She stared at me. "Prince Damien." It wasn't a surprised question like I would've expected. Rather...just a simple statement. And that had me feeling......well, not normal.

I let go of her arms, though I made no effort to eradicate the closeness between our bodies.

She gulped, and I heard her heartbeat sliding up. Though she didn't show it, her heart wasn't as good at concealing her anxiousness in the moment as she would've hoped for. I'm guessing all that though.

I let my eyes travel over her figure, head to toe and I slightly cocked my head to the side. She took a steady step back.

The action made me look at her in amusement and I took a step closer.

"Why am I here?" She asked, her eyes looking to the side. I was quite curious as to her reaction right now. Considering the first time I laid my eyes on her, she looked me straight in the eye.

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