39. Cara

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Lady - or as her royal standing stated - Minister Isla was breathtakingly beautiful in the classic Fae manner.

Her hair was dyed a blue and her eyes matched. Her dress complimented her features and was a grape red in color. It was silk at least, smooth and shimmery.

She gave Seraphima a wide smile, showing her straight and white teeth and Sera returned it with one of her own charming smiles that accentuated the apples of her cheeks.


"Good to see you again, Sera."

So they were on first name basis, meaning close enough.

I stood silently behind Sera and observed, head lowered in the customary manner for a Handmaiden. I tilted my head slightly.

There was something special about her. Her eyes looked older, somehow wiser.

Leon was besides me too, face of stone but eyes never leaving Sera. He was almost as good as me at keeping his emotions at bay. Or at least as good as I was before Lucien found me and I started on this journey.

Either way, point was that he and Sera were definitely more than just Princess and Bodyguard but they wouldn't act on their feelings either.

Sera held my wrist and dragged me with her as she took a place on the cushioned chairs. "And this is Cara."

"So you're her." Isla's eyes took me in and then she smiled at me as well. "Nice to meet you."

It seemed like she'd heard of me. But the tone of her voice implied something different altogether.

I gave a polite smile. "Likewise, Minister Isla."

Despite whatever I might think of her,  she was certainly not in the same league as Lady Katherine and was truly an inspiration with how she became a Minister on the Council.

Then someone else entered the room as well and I felt like my eyes would bulge out of their sockets for a mere split second before I got a reign on my emotions and blanked.

There he stood with that ringlet of red curls atop his hair, body strengthened. Minister Isla glanced and smiled a bit.

"This...." She glanced at me as if knowingly. "This is Micah. My bodyguard."

I resisted the urge to scowl as confusion rooted within me. I bit the inside of my cheek and then finally looked at him.

He was staring back at me, face devoid of all emotions but recognition. I tilted my head slightly but he only stared back.

Was that how he had found me? Had been in Valeryn?

"Well, I've been wanting for you and Cara to meet for a long time. It's good it happened finally."

"I'm glad too." Isla tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and then spoke again, "Is Lady Katherine still being delusional?"

Sera groaned, "Don't ask. Now she's Arion's go-to."

I didn't quite understand but I don't think I was meant to either. My eyes flicked back to Micah who gave me a wink and I had to make a conscious effort not to drop my jaw.

I couldn't believe this.

Would I get to talk to him again and about so many things?

I sighed softly as the two females kept conversing and laughing. I listened as well and deduced they were good friends.

Not as good as me and Sera though.

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