12. Cara

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"Then let's start." Gallum's voice was darkly cheerful and his smile was anything but nice.

And very much excited.

I gulped.

Shit, shit, shit, what's happening? My heart sped up and I kept my eyes down.

"Its very simple." Gallum walked from his end slowly approaching us like we were his prey.

Ironic, I know.

He continued, "Its a little something to....test your.....endurance, if I do say so myself." He cast his eyes around. "Only lasting for thirty minutes."

Whimpers echoed in the room and my blood boiled. Gallum's excited grin only grew.

"We have to see how well Lucien picks, don't we? It's a bit of a...tradition."

I highly doubt that.

But by now, I had no questions about whether what was happening was related to the conversation I had heard or not. It most certainly was.

I raised my eyes a bit.

Only to find him staring at me a bit oddly but his gaze made me feel like snakes were slithering over my skin and I resisted the urge to shiver.

"When I say; you all shall run out. Out of this room and to any place in the palace. If I find you....I shall have a bit of a...taste. You survive, well and good, you don't.....well, I had my fun." He shrugged unapologetically.

Translation in easier mundane words: You will run in a Vampire Palace as I want to have a feast and an entertaining game of hide-and-seek. I find you, I'll drain you of your blood. If I don't by the time the thirty minutes are up...? You get to live. Easy.


I stopped myself from snickering at the incredulity of it all.

He just said that we have to run and hide, right? It won't be easy when at every turn there are blood-thirsty vampires and you're in a Royal Wing where one wrong step can cost you your life or opening one wrong door will spell your doom.

I felt the weight of the stupid game that made so many lose their lives, and no doubt, this year would be the same.

I couldn't save others. You fend for yourself here. But I could save myself.

And that...? That I would indeed do.

Gallum grinned.

I gulped. My eyes training on the path towards the door as my heart skipped a beat and I discreetly felt up my thigh, getting instant reassurance when I felt my dagger in my thigh sheath.

The room was silent as if everyone and everything was holding their breath.

I braced myself to flee, spacing out my feet, because for my survival today there was no other option and sloppiness or panic wouldn't get me anywhere.

And then, like frost over snow covered trees and sun-kissed mountains looking to freeze it all, he whispered the words with malicious intent:


And so I did. 

Like the very wind that was directing the path of that frost, I was out of the room along with a couple of other girls.

 Scrambling, I ran down the left hallway with mediocre knowledge of what hallway led where in this maze of the Celeran Palace's West-Wing.

Gulping, I realized how dry my throat was and how shaky my legs were with actual fear.

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now