36. Cara/Arion

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(Cara's P.O.V)

Within a minute, everyone jumped into action.

The Alpha took up an offensive stance, a low growl emitting deep from his throat. The signature scent of sage and wood entered my nostrils, enveloping me.

Eyes of glowing molten gold rested on the other Fae in the room, a threat. The long haired Fae's eyes flashed even if the fear in the air was palpable. The commanding power of the werewolf had my legs quivering.

How was he even here?

The four females took it upon themselves to do something and three managed to get out of the loose grasps. Before the human could follow the example, Malk grabbed her by the hair and wrenched a cry of pain.

Her eyes widened and he grinned.

That sent Alpha over the edge. The wreckage that occurred next....

I wasn't prepared for it.

It felt like with each beat of my heart, his hostility towards these males increased. Alpha lunged and the Fae didn't see it coming until his arm was ripped from his body.

The girls shrieked and the next target was Malk after two more males were ripped to bloody shreds.

The scent of metallic red liquid infiltrated the room and the sight made me fear just how animal he truly was. The carnage he was leaving was just blood and flesh ripped apart. His speed and size and power didn't even give the Fae a chance to retaliate or run.

Before we knew it, only two Fae were left.

Malk and Baron.

I quickly grabbed a hold of my dagger and smartly remained behind the enraged Alpha who had saved my life and was on a killing rampage. My breathing become harsher and my heart beat faster.

The human girl yelped again when Malk pulled her hair and glared at Alpha.

"Step back!"

Meanwhile, Baron slowly inched his way towards the door. I still remained rooted to my spot, watching everything.

Alpha huffed, the sound so human that I did a double take.

Then he prowled forward and Malk cursed, freeing the girl and making a dash for his life. But before he could reach safety by the door, his leg was bit into.

A brutal scream erupted and then the growl of the Alpha and his teeth clamping down on his jugular, releasing a spray of blood silenced him forever.

I felt a little sick and my stomach turned.

Baron was positively shaking now, the only one left. The girls were whimpering. I was still on guard because it wasn't like I could actually trust this golden eyed werewolf who comfortingly smelled of sage and wood.

Blood dripped from his maw and his ebony fur was a shade darker with the fresh blood. The room was a true bloody sight to behold. His forelegs were crouched and he looked ready to pounce, ears raised.

Baron's eyes were fearfully wide and just before I thought Alpha would jump him, his ears perked.

He stilled like only an ethereal being could and his head tilted towards the door slightly. Then his golden eyes flew to mine and I blinked.

Within a second, he was in front of me. His vibes were so commanding and he reached my chest. When he nuzzled his face and snout between my breasts lovingly, I blushed furiously yet I was longing for more and to touch him as well.

He didn't give me much time to process anything and then with that otherworldly speed of his, he was at the broken window which he had come in from. My cheeks and chest burned red, my heart pumping so fast that I wondered why I wasn't already on the brink of unconsciousness.

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