1. Cara

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I had to run.


Five years of plotting my escape in vivid detail and yet here I was.

And three days.

That was all I got to study this new place before taking the chance and exacting my escapade. To count each exit and each guard. Each rotation and each hallway. The time and distance between the different destinations I'd marked.

To be informed that I had become a part of the yearly auction of all sorts of slaves for the most Elite of Vampires.

Elite my ass.

But I dared not voice my thoughts.

I took a deep breath and did a subtle sweep of the room and its inhabitants. Three half blood vampire guards out in the hallway, two guarding the only exit lazily and one taking a stroll right outside the only window in the room that I was standing near.

And as if their strength and speed weren't enough, each was armed with swords.

I slowly inched towards the window, my jade green eyes cast down in submission, my hands fumbling with the hem of the short red fabric of the one piece dress I was made to wear. With dipped neckline, the bottom low and thigh length, it was designed to show off our body for a better bid. A pair of worn out heels were on my feet as well. At least the dress wasn't clingy or tight. I could work with that.

A toy. That was all I would be if I let myself go through this.

Anger and dread simmered in my heart but I trampled them down.

Girls around me were in different states of panic. Some were crying. Some trembling. Some whimpering. Some trained too well to not show fear. Some broken. Some completely emotionless. Some accepting their fate with a strong set of their jaws. Some already taking on the role of a trained sultry plaything.

My heart squeezed at the sight. It was a pity to see such young girls in such states. But it could be worse.

It will be worse if you don't go through your plan tonight, I firmly reminded myself.

Maybe I was being selfish but freeing all these girls was not a feat I could achieve. And compassion got you nowhere. You're all on your own in this world of cruelty. I was not going to do anything to risk my escape. I was a realist and it was clear as day that I was  in no position to help someone when I myself need help. So, despite whatever I might be feeling at times it was better to think for myself.

It would be an accomplishment if I myself could get out.

I kept an eye on the guard walking in the room, checking out the girls with the excuse of 'doing his duty' - filthy moron - and glanced out the window from my peripheral.

It was night and pretty dark but the moonlight and the light of the passing carriages was enough to illuminate the basic structures I'd been eyeing for the past three days.

The guards were exactly where they had been stationed these past three days which confirmed my beliefs that their positions wouldn't change today either. Extra guards would be by the entrance not by the route I would take for my escape. Hopefully.

Even from this distance, I could make out the borderline of Adalda: the werewolf territory. And if I remained successful in my escape; then my safe haven and refuge.

The purple translucent wall of power was rippling against the moon beams; looking like a mystical waterfall.

I'd calculated the distance I'd have to cover in order to reach it. I glanced at the clock ticking away in the far left wall of the musty and dark room Madam Belaura was using to accommodate the 50 or so of us high bred slaves. The room was lit by just a few flickering fire torches.

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