6. Cara

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I didn't lower my gaze.

I think I wouldn't have been able to even if I wanted to.

Clear amber eyes held mine as if in challenge. And even though I knew what stupidity I was doing, staring him in the eyes when I was a slave and he was a Shifter General, I couldn't help but feel captured with his eyes.

I had felt them on me.

Had felt him observe me and when it got the best of me, I risked eye contact. Clearly, it was a mistake.

A beautiful mistake.


Considering who the owner of the most captivating amber eyes I had seen in my life so far was, I couldn't feel anything towards him but hate. But he had beautiful eyes. Platinum blonde hair sat ruffled atop his head and falling over his forehead. Tanned skin and high cheekbones, a slight scar ran down his neck. He looked fearsome.

Ugh, stop it, Cara!

The knowledge that the person who had been my captor was none other than the Shifter General of the Vampire Army had left me jarred and slightly anxious.

I knew it was him - the man who was dark and dangerously handsome, the one who had left me stupefied in the forest clearing - the second I heard his sensual voice and the manner in which the Queen addressed him. Being in the presence of such a creature of fear and power while you're being presented in front of the freaking Queen for an assessment was enough to make me question my sanity.

I'd also noticed the brief exchange between him and one other man that looked like a snake. They seemed to hate each other. I filed away the information for future use.

When the lines moved ahead, I slowly lowered back my eyes and broke the contact, instead staring at the polished floor beneath my feet.

His eyes, though predatory, seemed like they were a story waiting to be read. And the scary part was, I think I wanted to read him. They just made me so curious. Nothing more.

I think my mind is turning delusional in order to cope with how wrong things ended up being.

General Lucien radiated unchallenged power and authority like the Queen's. I could almost feel it in my bones. Combined with that of the Queen's malicious presence, the air felt stuffy for a whole new reason.

And I had no doubts that breathing was difficult for me because of exactly those reasons.

Despite my better judgement, I couldn't calm my heart down or stop my hands from turning clammy or the unbridled fear from washing over me.

Give them power enough to fool them, but never enough to lose yourself.

I chanted in my mind.

Pointless rage and fear coursed through me. General Lucien had found me and ruined everything! The sudden anger I felt but couldn't express was quickly subdued when I found myself in the front line of the slaves and Queen Kesla looked over.

The line started moving again and I kept my head lowered but a voice stopped every movement and a sudden chill ran up my spine.


That's all Kesla uttered but somehow I knew it was meant for me, so I froze to the spot. Angst and fear washed over me in waves causing my heart to race like a galloping horse running for his life. I clasped my hands tightly in front of me.

"The rest can leave." The Queen flicked her hand in a dismissive motion and everyone compiled.

No! NO! No! This can't be happening! What did I do?!

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