3. Cara

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I swallowed my cry of pain the violent jostling of the caravan full of slaves was causing me. At least there were 30 more slaves with me in here.

I was still wondering why the vampire (if he was one but I'm gonna go with male for now then) hadn't drained me on the spot and killed me then and there. Instead, he'd grabbed me (very painfully if I do say so myself) and thrown me in here. I hadn't had a chance to see his face in the dark night either. My ankle and one hand were in cuffs and chained to a point in the floor.

The chill and prodding of the cuffs was rubbing off on my already sore wrists. On top of that I had no idea where or for whom we were being taken. Or for what specific purpose.

I hissed when the vehicle jolted again on the uphill rocky path, throwing me to the side along with the restraining chain that willed me to come back in its range, biting my skin. This wasn't the first time I was enduring pain obviously. I had worse experiences that made me resilient to such pains but they still affected me, of course. It still........hurt. My eyes subconsciously trailed over the scars my bare arms bore.

So much hurt.

 My heart, my body, my mind, my soul, my past.

The male hadn't said anything else to me but I could tell he was powerful. I shivered with the memory of his voice. Of his breath on my cheeks.

I exhaled. I'm not thinking straight!

Of course he would have such an effect on a mere mortal like me. I could've escaped today if it wasn't for him. Freedom would be all mine. The thought made my stomach churn with disappointment. There was no use in dwindling on such thoughts anymore. I'd lost my only chance at freedom even when a person like BELAURA had helped me!

What would happen now?

I blinked furiously and looked out of the only window present. The night was just as dark as my future would be from here on. Wherever we were, the moonlight was less. As I watched the trees pass by, I felt it happen.

My body was here. But my soul and mind weren't.

I gulped and wasn't even surprised by this. The visions had started when I was 4 and stopped when I turned 14. Then they started again around five months back. I didn't know the reason for these...visions or insights or whatever. Or why they started or stopped when they did.

This vision was one of the frequent ones and my vision was blurry with no discernible details to gather. Not many sounds either. I could only feel the presence of powerful creatures and a story perhaps long forgotten in the onyx covered stone walls of the place I always found myself in. The frenzy of people going about as if preparing for something was there like every other time. I couldn't hear anything, see much or gauge the amount of time I ever spent in these visions.

I could only see so much. See; from a pair of eyes I never know belong to whom. For I couldn't even move or do much of anything in these zone outs. I couldn't even choose where to see. Like I was inside someone else's body and doing or seeing whatever they were.

And just as abruptly it started, it was over. I almost felt like my soul came crashing back into my immobile body and I breathed deeply. I jolted as I breathed in the smell of sweat and dry blood in here that was even more prominent than before. I realized I had zoned out for clearly more than just a couple of minutes that I experienced in my vision. That was the illusion it created sometimes.

I knew that. Time was an entity which worked completely at odds with the world of my visions and Vammal: this world.

I glanced at the first few rays of light illuminating the outside world as the sun slowly rose on the far horizon. I exhaled a harsh breath, hating my reality immensely. Yet, accepting it rebelliously.

I never knew whether these insights were the future, the past or a present in some other world. Or...simply a past I couldn't remember? Or a way to play with mere mortals like me by placing some sort of curse or spell. Who knows though, right?

But I had grown accustomed to them. Adapting was a lesson I learnt quite young. Thankfully, the timings of these visions had never landed me in trouble during my slave life. Yet. And mostly they would take only a few minutes unlike this time. Or simply a few seconds.

I closed my eyes and saw the scenes playing out before my eyes but I cast them aside to clear my head. With my dagger gone, I felt even more vulnerable.

The caravan came to a slow stop and I drew in a sharp breath at the sight that awaited my eyes. And it became more than painfully clear how much harder and smarter I'd have to be to not only survive this place but also attempt another escape. Because there was absolutely no way in hell that I was accepting this as my fate for all of eternity without putting up a good fight.

The menacing palace stood in all its glory. Dark and magnificent. Huge and beautiful in its twisted but undeniably intimidating vastness. Tall, guarded and a big cosmic fuck-you to me.

The Celeran Royal Palace.

The freaking palace of the Royalty!

The most dangerous place for any human slave especially. I mean, come on, you see this, right?

And I realized the what and where and why's that I wanted answered. My heartbeat sped up.

I was gonna be a freaking slave in the Royal Palace! I mean.....I'd be freaking. And a freak too! And......

This is not the way to lighten up your mood, Cara. This is serious!

I can't use my insane ways to try and prove that I'm still sane to myself.

.......Exactly like that. I shook my head, killing off my stupid conscience that was trying to make jokes in such a serious situation and bit the inside of my cheek subtly.

The Celeran Court was one of the three most powerful Courts in all of history of Vammal. Though there have always been passing words about a court that was above even those but has long vanished.

Still. Great. Just great.

But well, I can live up to this challenge. I'll just have to up my own games and brains. Because I sure as hell am going to escape this place.

Cause you know its no big deal. A simple slave girl will escape the Royal Palace of Celera.




Firstly, thank you for voting and commenting and keeping up with me here. I'm truly grateful to you all and I wanna say that I hope you enjoyed the chapter though it wasn't as long or filling but the next one will be in the male perspective so....Yay I guess. Lol. Your support means a lot and I updated real quick haha. Anyways, stay safe, vote, comment and spread my book as much as you can, thank you!

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