17. Cara

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I kept my eyes down and offered the tray with the wine glasses to the group of female vampires who took them without a second glance at me.

Done with that, I took a few steps back and merged into the shadows in the corner of the brightly lit Great Hall that was serving as the party's location.

Clutching the tray to my chest, I smoothed down my blue knee length skirt with the white strip borders. The burgundy shirt I was wearing as part of the altered uniform for today was fitted with puffed sleeves and a decent neckline. It was different from our usual uniform, more.....decent and let's say better fit for servants in a party like this. I liked the alterations though. My hair was tied with a ribbon into an onyx ponytail.

I took a moment to observe my surroundings, for once not going back to only return with more wine and blood glasses to offer.

The whole evening we'd been preparing for the party and now we were an hour or so away from the real guests arrival.

The Fae King of Valeryn.

King Arion.

And, of course, his sister Seraphima.

The Celeran Royals had gone all out, I was sure. I mean just knowing how hard I worked in the last seven-eight hours, I know this amazing Hall's festivities are all thanks to us servants.

The three chandeliers were glimmering with light. Not just white but slight hues of golden as well. Tables set with assortments of countless delicacies and wines were every twenty feet. And let's not forget the sparkling floors and the windows all courtesy to me, Britt and Keely and a few more from the group of Milla's division. My left wrist was still not completely healed but whatever Theo had given me seemed to have done wonders because I knew a healer wouldn't come to my rescue. So I was sure my wrist would be devoid of all lingering pains by tomorrow.

I guess they couldn't afford to lose their 'extra set of hands': AKA me.

Bloodsucking bastards.

Most of the servants were making rounds with fae wine for the 'guests'.

This was just the beginning of the evening.

And while I would love to be free, there was no denying the fact that this sight was a rare one for any servant or human of my status. To be gaining such a new experience was mind blowing. I was brave enough to accept that.

I swept my gaze over the many 'noble' vampires in today's gathering and the heavy security of the guards didn't go unnoticed by me.

I sighed softly.

It wasn't like I would try running away in such an environment where a fate worse than death could be awaiting me.

I looked around again and my eyes fell on the Royals of Celera themselves. They were sitting on the upraised dais that I had seen the first time I was here right after Lucien caught me and my freedom went down the drain.

Of course the first person that my eyes landed on was a certain midnight black haired and electric blue eyed Prince flirting with a female that seemed to be fawning over him and I felt myself trying to avoid making a disgusted face. For the first time, I saw him as the proper Prince he was with the heavy crown and air of obnoxious royalty around him.

Okay, so I probably still don't consider him a proper Prince as he has an obnoxious air around him. Meh.

Remember, Cara. No emotions. Don't let them see anything.

Problem was, even his side profile was making me gulp and some choice instances to surface in the jumble of my mind. I tried not to think about it all day, busying myself.

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