33. Arion

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"So you're telling me that no one could see us? Still can't?"

I gave Cara a wry smile. "Sera isn't here but you know, witch magic is also used at times. So yes."

Cara caught her breath and gulped down some more water from the glasses and container kept out here. I watched, slowly sipping on my own glass of clear liquid.

It had been two days since we had the midnight rendezvous in her room and as promised, here we were, working on making her stronger.

We started basic.

So of course running and stamina came first. She didn't complain though; taking whatever I threw her way ploughing ahead.

I could tell with some daily practice her rusty skills could be honed. And as she would start eating even healthier to catch up on five years of malnutrition, her body would start to fill out more as well. Although these two weeks have already worked some magic on her sickly pale and thin body.

She had a proper peach complexion now, her soft looking onyx hair french braided as usual. Cara's bosom wasn't that bad either and her waist was thin before slightly curving over her hips. Legs that were long and could still put on some meat, slender neck, arms that looked weak like twigs but as I found out were certainly not that bad.

For the past three hours after the running warm up of one hour, I'd shown her core movements, stances and positions while wielding a sword.

It almost took me by surprise how well with a few pointers she wielded the sword and cleaved the air that I thought it wasn't the first time she'd held and worked with a sword.

I hated that I couldn't remember who her current room belonged to. That was plain stupid. I mean, why wouldn't I know? The headache that ensued when I tried to remember was mind boggling.

Cara wiped her mouth and her jade eyes observed the scenery around us.

I'd brought Cara to the backyard of the training room. Shielded by illusion magic we were in our own world for the time being.

"Eat more and keep up the practice even if I'm not there." Which is a given.

Cara nodded and we wrapped up for today's lesson. I'd already done something inexplicable by taking out about five hours to spend on this slave and it was truly irking me now.

Yes, I wouldn't accept someone else calling her a slave when that was no longer her position in my Court but that didn't mean it was the same for me. I knew where she came from and that wouldn't change so easily. Especially with how she affected me despite being a human.

"I have some matters to take care of." I pulled on the open buttons of my tunic and ran a hand through my hair.

Cara's eyes followed the move and I smirked even as she responded, "Of course, Your Majesty."

With that, I turned around still hearing her gulps of air, sure that her muscles were aching but without a look back, I headed to the meeting room.


"The witches we called in have made a coven of their own. Someone called Esmeralda is their current leader." Mark filled us in on the witches' arrival.

Darr stood up next. "I have reports that Hellion has been completely annexed. Lord Brax though isn't in hiding but neither is he on Killian's side." He was the shapeshifter who had gotten hurt on our way here by the witch trap. Darr was also in charge of all the spies and Valeryn court's working in the shadows.

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