23. Lucien/Cara

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(Lucien's P.O.V)

These fucking rogues working for Killian needed to die.

I coldly stared at them, my sword gripped tightly as the leader of this ambushing party - Lancelot - simply chuckled.

"You're a disgrace to vampires. All of you." Damien sneered at Lancelot and the other rogue vampires in the company.

Lancelot tilted his head. "Are we? At least we're powerful."

"You're power hungry and so you betray your whole race?" Arion narrowed his eyes, eyeing the werewolf who was getting dangerously close to us.

So far they'd made no offensive move and so we were waiting as well. One movement of harm from their side though, and we'd all pounce. Even though my sword was in my hands, my real weapon would be my transformation.

"Why are you here, Lancelot?" I spoke aloud and he grinned.

"We had some unfinished business here." He shrugged and then looked past us, a deadly gleam in his eyes.

Queen Kesla was guarding the East frontier and the King was on the West one. Gallum and some others were on the South side. Though North was where this party was trained, we wouldn't leave the other's unguarded.

Right now, I still don't understand why King Harold let Gallum send most of our troops to the borders that were infiltrated either way and left the Palace on a shorter supply of guards.

Damien's lightning crackled. "Well, sorry but it won't be finished anytime soon."

"Oh, that's where you're wrong." Lancelot made a pitying face and I scoffed. What was he playing at? "It's good seeing you three together though."

I growled, my anger on a tight leash like the others. But the ice encasing my heart worked out making me more collected, calmer than the rest as I fought to keep my Icy armour in place.

Lancelot continued, "The mongrel ain't here, I see." He made an assessing face and Arion's power could be felt in the air. "But.....it's still a start, eh?"

"A start of what?" Damien quietly uttered as his sword now took up his lightening and I felt my claws growing. This was nonplussing.

More or less, I think he was stalling. But for what?

Lancelot took a step closer and we all growled. Fangs came out and the air thickened with pulsing powers.

He smirked. "You couldn't protect what was yours back then. What makes you think this will be any different?"

Arion's hold on his sword was even tighter and he sharply sucked in a breath. Suddenly, Lancelot flew two steps back and then looking up, his blood red eyes flashed.

I'm guessing he was talking about Sera. Because I mean who else? Our kingdoms? Parents?

Or a certain jade eyed, onyx haired slave.

I clenched my jaw.

It had to be Sera. She was Fae, powerful, a true opponent for Killian's minions in terms of strong illusion magic and well, she'd helped take down some of their men. We were aware of her being in danger regularly though. Damien and I might not like Arion - Damien less than me - but Sera wasn't someone you could dislike even if you wished to.

Damien and I exchanged a look of slight satisfaction.

Lancelot hissed and stood up. He shook his head before smirking, "Oh, are you prepared this time?"

I smirked cruelly, ice in my words, leaning in. "To kill you? Yes."

His eyes narrowed, smirk slipping a bit. "No, prepared to protect–"

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