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(Cara's P.O.V)

I stared at the man in front of me.

Awed and mystified.

The din of battle echoed in the dimly lit hallway. Voices shouting and metal clanging against metal. Growls and magic mixing.

I swallowed visibly and my heartbeat ricocheted. He held my eyes while his own seemed to be burning with a strange unfaltering determination.

My breath hitched and I felt my pulse quicken. Yet relief flooded me like a broken dam floods a village at the sight of him.

The man prowled towards me without a word. And the pull I felt towards him didn't let me take a step back.

I wasn't scared of him though. There was no reason. He hadn't given me one since the beginning.

My eyes traveled down to his hand. The one holding my trusty jeweled dagger that had skittered towards him and he had picked up.

But what had me frozen in place was the power he exuded and the fact that he was finally in front of me.

All flesh and bone.

And gods. He was painfully handsome. Tall and muscled. And his eyes.

The color of his eyes was imprinted in my mind glaringly and as I searched them for any flicker of telling emotion, I felt his close proximity like a tangible thing.

He was close enough to me that I could feel the heat radiating off of him. Our torsos within grazing distance.

His eyes had me captivated since the first moment.

But to see them in this form was like a sharp knife to the heart.

I didn't know how true those words were going to end up being.

My eyes registered a blur of ocher colored long hair flowing around the end of the lobby from the peripheral but it didn't hold my attention.

My ears registered my name being called in the distance feverishly in three different male voices but my mind was only focused on the man of alluring grace in front of me.

His eyes traveled the contours of my face, taking in different details. I watched as his eyes met mine again with a burning vigor and an imperceptible softness.

He didn't say much.


Just a sensual whisper, his hot breath a fleeting caress against the shell of my ear, that had my heart stop for multiple reasons.

Goosebumps rose on my skin. An involuntarily shiver coursing through my body, his eyes never straying from mine.

I sucked in a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry, love."

And then came the knife of betrayal.




Oh my gods! Okay so yeah I've started this new book. I'm glad you're giving it a chance. Thank you for taking out your time and reading. I'm very thankful. Your opinions matter obviously so fully use the comments section please. I hope you liked the prologue and will stay with me for more of this book. I'd love that a lot. I've given this book a lot of thought so yeah. There's that. 

And then there's the fact that I hope you want to know what happened to Cara and you'll stay for this journey. And I also want to make clear that this book will be done in multiple different POV's including Cara (the female protagonist) and the rest of the male characters. The guys will be there as well. I personally love the male perspectives in a book so yeah. Also, this book may contain some swearing and sexual content, not extreme but yes, so I'm giving you a heads up lol. And this prologue is a FLASH FORWARD, kay?

This might also be a different kind of reverse harem unlike any others you've read, but I assure you it is one. 

And please do vote and comment!


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