19. Cara

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How again did I end up here and doing this?

Oh right. Thanks to Lucien.

I bowed my head and took  a couple of steps back so I could stay out of sight yet at their beck and call.

So far the Celeran and Valeryn Royals had only conversed formally and nothing of interest had been mentioned. Then again, I don't think they would discuss such important matters without the confines of four well-protected walls.

To say I would rather be anywhere else would be an understatement.

I was literally suffocating here. Serving them wine and fruits and what-not, I was one of the many maids around the table who were sure to keep their distance.

I hadn't gotten the opportunity to glare at Lucien either and that was a down.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I glanced at the Princess first.

Getting only a glimpse was enough to tell me of her beauty. The Fae features were confirmed with the heightened beauty and her slightly pointed ears. She had ocher colored long hair, a gown of purple color and eyes the color and shape of almonds.

Before I could take note of anything more–to be exact, the King–Britt was hissing at me while shoving the bottle of wine into my hand. I gave her a perplexed look.

"Go! Serve." She prompted me and I shook my head subtly.

"You do it."

But she was already gone.

I'd managed to remain unnoticed so far but having to go up and serve wouldn't do well for my intentions. Despite that, I was left with no other choice since Britt had vanished and I was left with a bottle of Fae wine in my hand. Taking a breath and bowing my head, I approached the table.

Holding the bottle, I firstly served the three other members of the Valeryn court and one member I wasn't acquainted with of the Celeran court. With that out of the way, I felt the bottle emptying. No one had even spared me a glance and in a long time I once again felt the way I had for the past five years–invisible.

This lack of attention had been unusual for me so it was actually manna. 

I thought I could back away since the bottle was empty but out of nowhere, some server came and taking the empty bottle from my hands, exchanged it with a rather large and full one.

I wanted to glare at him but that would be showing emotion and I refrained from doing so. 

Where did he even come from?!

Anyways, nevermind. 

I inhaled, kept my head lowered and first approached King Harold. He didn't give me any attention so I swiftly filled his glass and made my way to the queen.

I don't think this one will let me off that easy and I was proved right. Just before I moved on, I glanced at Queen Kesla only to see her give me a fleeting smirk loaded with unspoken mysteries. 

I felt irritation itching under my skin. 

I don't like her at all. She keeps me so baffled.

But all that considered,  do you have any idea how intimidating this task actually was? Serving a table full of royals of not one but two courts was scary.

I was just a mere slave girl one of the General seated here had caught and the Prince had drank from and the Fae King's eyes had found in the crowded room upon entrance.

Yeah, on second thought it doesn't seem that simple.

Gulping, I poured the wine into the Prince's glass. For some reason, the hands that had been steady while serving the King and Queen were slightly shaking.

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