13. Lucien

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"What exactly,--" A streak of lightning flashed, "--Minister, were you thinking?" Damien's forearm was pressed against Minister Gallum's neck as he pushed him harder into the wall and his words were deadly calm.

I knew I should probably go and stop him, but for some reason all I felt like doing is letting Damien do some damage.

Don't worry, I'll step in when it gets too much but since I'm usually calm, my reinforced ice fortress a strong armour, and yet I feel like turning into a mountain lion and going on a run to calm down, I'll take my chance and not draw attention to myself.

Or the reason I feel angry.

Like Damien, apparently.

Which is a mystery to me.

Slowly and cautiously, like a termite eating way at wood, Cara seemed to be carving out my ice. And it was irksome.

I leaned calmly against the wall as I watched the scene play out, tempest raging on the inside.

Emotions I had not felt in a long, long time and they were not welcome either. Yet they stayed, infuriating and connected to a little human girl.

"Be careful, Your Majesty." Gallum sneered and Damien scoffed, easing up on him and backing a bit. Gallum was taking advantage of being a powerful and old respected member of court.

But I knew that Gallum wasn't off the hook yet.

"Who gave you permission to touch her?" Damien glared at Gallum and I blinked.

I'm sorry what? This is about....Cara?

I narrowed my eyes as Damien unsheathed his sword, "Who said you could touch her?"

Gallum eyed the sword but then glared back and took out his own sword which was, to be honest, merely for show since he hardly ever used it. He knew he wouldn't be a match for Damien and all three of us also knew that Damien wouldn't harm Gallum but that didn't mean temporary damage wasn't in order.

When I'd returned two days ago, Damien had informed me that his father told him about Killian's return and so I had bitten down on my anger and started on the moving of our troops. I'd been busy. And despite how I felt about the decision, I didn't like being kept in the dark and nor did I like Gallum being aware of things more than me or even Damien.

But I knew what a big threat Killian was. Sure the world had changed a lot in the past four hundred and fifty years, but that didn't mean he was forgotten and after the last battle, we wouldn't stand a chance against him.

We all thought he was banished for good.

Apparently not. And some of us knew that fact way before.

But how and why?

Even after that all, I don't think I know of one time that Damien and Cara met one another.

Damien hadn't mentioned anything either.

I hadn't gotten much chance to talk to Cara due to the preparations of Arion's arrival two days from now and the tasks of being a General.

And now I'm starting to feel like Damien left out quite a big part of what happened after I left and he had the conversation with his father.

Was– "He said Killian is returning and Gallum knew. That's why he opted for his suggestion and wants you to move the troops." –All he had talked about with King Harold? Or was he holding something back from me?

I inhaled deeply, the scent of mixed blood was in here. I sometimes was quite impressed with Damien's restraint on the monster in him but then he released it with such vigor that there was no regard or remorse in his non-beating heart for the lives he took in the frenzy that it would make up for it.

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