42. Arion/Cara

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(Arion's P.O.V)

Kissing Cara felt unlike anything I'd ever felt.

My initiative left her surprised, until her eyes closed of their own accord and so did mine. Color rose to her cheeks and her skin prickled under my touch.

I'd thought it was just lust. No, I convinced myself it was just that but deep down I knew it was more than just that. 

I parted my lips, tongue tasting those sweet pink temptations of hers. Licking them the way I'd imagined so many times and it felt better than anything in my imaginations.

Her lips were blissfully soft and full, uncertain against mine but not unwilling. Deep rooted passion poured from me in this physical contact and each thud of her heart sent mine beating faster.

I inhaled her lilac and lemon scent, invading all my senses in the most touching manner.

How did I ever go without feeling something like this? How did I even survive?

The Angel pulled at my heartstrings involuntarily, making me cup her cheek as her hands rested over my chest and she slowly started to return my gesture, kissing me back softly.

That innocence of hers mixed with the cunning smarts she'd gained over the tough years made her so much more than just a valuable asset. She was ruining me for other women.

Somewhere inside me it rang that there was a spell on me but I think without whatever spell was there, I'd still feel abrupt things for this jade eyed, onyx haired mortal who came barrelling into my life.

I rubbed my thumb over her pulse and she gasped as I pulled her closer with the same hand, the other caressing her cheek. Her lips parted and I took the opportunity, swiping right in to taste her for myself. Cara moaned softly and as her hands slid over my clothed chest, I used my powers to unbutton my shirt so her hands could touch me skin-to-skin.

That's how much I craved her and the realization sunk in like a stone in water.

She sucked on my tongue seductively and I moaned loudly. Simultaneously, Cara took the liberty to trace my muscles with her hands, not soft but the hands of a hard-worker and I groaned. Shaking with the desire that overcame me, I wanted to just take her for myself that very moment.

The sounds she made were like fuel to my dark desires.

Her touch ignited a deep sleeping desire within me, a slumber so long and chosen that it only awoke at her touch. I kissed her harder, swirling my tongue around in her mouth feeling it slide over hers and the taste that was solely her filled me. Cara invaded my mouth, her taste overwhelming and her exploration making me tighten my grip on her.

I nibbled on her lip as she made a pleasurable sound, pushing closer to me.

Her nails slowly traced the lines of my muscles and I shuddered, wrapping her braid around my hand and pulling it to angle her mouth in a perfect slant against mine. The dominance made her breath hitch and Cara's eyes momentarily fluttered opened.

I stared into jade green eyes, so captivating, so urging, so.....so full of emotion.

When we both gasped for air and pulled away, we breathed hard, staring at each other in silent agony of separation and heat.

Cara left me speechless.

She left me wanting more.

My Angel's mere presence invited me to feast on her like a tempting buffet at the most exquisite event.

Her chest rose and fell and I silently watched, out of breath and wanting another taste when she broke eye contact and licked her lips, closing her eyes. 

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