10. Damien

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I clenched my jaw and Lucien glared at a spot on the far wall of the Meeting room that was empty now.

"Come on, Lucien, let's get out of here." I sighed. I'm not in the best of moods either.

"I'm taking out Veta, I'll be back.....sometime before tomorrow morning." He informed me in a clipped tone and I nodded, knowing that he needed it more than me as his outlet to calm down. He headed to the stables without another word. 

I walked out of the room as well, frustrated and ran a hand through my jet black hair.

I can't believe this.

How could my father side by Minister Gallum's strategy? This was outrageous and Lucien was pissed. He was the General, and for the first time in about a century, his strategy or voice had been overruled. Usually, I was the impulsive one. The one who had anger issues and couldn't control his temper. Though Lucien wasn't being transparent about his anger and embarrassment, his demeanor was more clipped than usual and his jaw was clenched so tightly the second Minister Gallum was approved, I though it would lock.

It was only natural that when Gallum suggested we send more troops to the neutral territory and our borders instead of keeping them at the Palace, Lucien and I saw it as senseless and if anything, leaving our Palace gates unfortified. Those places had enough troops, more weren't required. the Palace was a priority that had to be taken into consideration. 

The moment a Palace falls, is the moment a kingdom is truly lost.

So my father agreeing to send more troops to the neutral territory and Celera's borders at the suggestion of Minister Gallum was a surprise in itself. If he wanted to consider Gallum's plans usually, he never ignored what I had to say in the matter as the Prince. Let alone overruling Lucien's opinions.

And its no secret how much Minister Gallum and Lucien hate each other. I'm no exception but being a political figure, trying to act at least civil towards any member of any court is mandatory for me.  For all we know, he's secretly conspiring against the Celeran court and wants the Palace unguarded for some other reason. After all in Royal power play, betrayal can come even from blood.

I'm not the best person when it comes to making calculated decisions, that's how Lucien and I balance out each other. 

If he's a man of few words, I'm one of too many. If he's a cold person, I'm wickedly sinful. If he's unsociable, I'm the flirt. If he's the strategist, I'm the catalyst. If he's feared, I'm fawned. If he's the collected one, I'm the mess. If he's quick and brutally clean, I'm slow and painfully messy for my victim. If he's calculated, I'm the one who's impulsive. 

But we're both powerful and intimidating. Only, we have different roles to fulfill. And those require different traits. But I love him like the brother he's been to me since the start. It's surprising, I know. I'm a cold vampire and vampires don't have a heart to feel love. But we're different. Lucien and me, our bond isn't formed from a few conversations , its based on compatibility and unfathomable loyalty that's been ingrained in us since more than a century.

So, though I'm not feeling the decision as deeply as Lucien is as the General of the Army, I am feeling my fair share of anger and frustration at the unreasonable decision. If there was perhaps a reason, I'd be fine with it. But that's not the case. Still, knowing my father, in this regard I know there's something deeper but Lucien isn't thinking straight. Once he cools down though, then he'll see reason.

But till then, I needed to let out my frustration as well. And I was hungry.

My eyes automatically turned darker and lightning like strikes of electricity danced in them

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