34. Cara/Arion

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(Cara's P.O.V)

Was I angry? Or was I disappointed?

I wasn't quite so sure about that but what I did know was that I was in no mood to look at Arion. Not now, not...for some time.

Sadly, were in the same carriage.

Thankfully, we weren't alone.

Unfortunately, Sera wasn't helping and Arion's attention was trained on me.

Fortunately, we didn't have much time left till we reached the capital.

His storm grey eyes were intently watching me while Sera hummed away but I maintained the perfect posture of the handmaiden I was. No emotions, giving away absolutely nothing.

The way it should've always remained. Even a moment of me letting down the first layers of my walls was unacceptable.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him after the scene yesterday.

Remember Cara: Give them power enough to fool them, but never enough to lose yourself.

Thinking of the overbearing perfume scent of Lady Katherine stinking up both the hallway and the King's room made me want to gag.

Besides, with that disheveled hair and half undone clothes, it was no secret what Arion had been up to with Lady Katherine. And I didn't like the thought of it.

I'd been feeling slightly uneasy and when I realized what had gone down after Sera came into my room I felt like I had a bad premonition.

For someone who was meant to blend into the shadows, I've had quite a bit of attention in the past four months since my capture.

The carriage came to a steady stop and I rubbed the jade ring on my finger soothing before feeling my dagger under my skirt.

Sera beamed at me, "Now, let's show you Malaar, the capital of my home city."

I dutifully nodded but the curiosity of exploring this new place made butterflies burst in my stomach.

Arion didn't speak to me, he directly left with General Markus and Councillor West to meet the witches while Sera lopped our arms and dragged me away.

I wasn't objecting though.

Once I regained my full attention, my senses were simultaneously attacked.

My nostrils filled with all sorts of scents and my eyes took in various stalls and scenes.

Leon stayed by our side, imposing and intimidating with all that packed muscle and stone like face.

Citrus smells, ripe fruits, garlands of flowers and clothes of satin, priceless jewels, fragrant condiments. Low bustling and hustling, people of various races mixing in the neat lanes while both natural and unnatural music flitted in from around as a serene Fae sense blanketed even the most crowded of place. Perhaps because the Fae are always calm and wicked not brash and emotion ruled.

The sun was beating down on us and I was glad for the cotton skirt and blouse in purple shades that I had on.

"Isn't it wonderful?"

It was.

Organized properly, the market in the capital was quite generous in its givings. I licked my lips as my eyes took in all the delicacies.

Now that I'd had a taste of good food, this heart was getting greedy and that was bad. I trampled down the want and took a deep breath before locking eyes with the fae Princess.

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