43. Arion/Lucien

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(Arion's P.O.V)

I released a breath through my mouth and nodded dismissively at Darr who bowed and left.

Markus stared at me and arched a brow as I leaned back in my seat. "So?"

"Well, they should be arriving soon. I'm still confused as to why the two of them had to come to Valeryn personally to deliver the latest order of weapons." I genuinely couldn't make sense of it.

Why send the General and Prince of Celera on their own on a week-long journey to the Fae Kingdom in such circumstances when dark forces are building on the other side of the united front?

Although, it isn't like I would stop them. 

The guise under which they were coming here though was to have one-on-one confrontation about the Golden Pack and the Alpha King of Adalda along with the weapons we needed and had made a trade with Celera for.

In the previous two letters written to Celera to update them, one of them was only meant for Lucien and Damien who had certainly received it.

For the past one century, the Alpha King and his pack have been pretty much invisible and in werewolf form if we were to go by the rumors. They were very rarely spotted but somehow Adalda was functioning just fine and it's security was just as up-to date. It was flourishing.

Yet the first time any confirmation of their sighting was provided, it was when the jade-eyed, onyx haired girl with the scent of lemons and lilacs was brought into the picture.

The thoughts of Cara immediately reminded me of our intense kiss and I gulped, running a jittery hand through my russet hair. 

A part of me was longing for her.

I'd felt slightly restless that day when I found her a week ago, curled up on the ground in the lilac alcove. But it ended up in something that made me worried about what I felt for this strange girl and why.

The walls of my Palace had been darker though. Until a week ago that is. I didn't question Cara much on her state but I'd indeed wondered later on what had happened that made her end up in such a frivolous state.

Having been up to my ears in Court work and dealing with it all had me all out of luck in terms of having private time with Cara.

Valeryn had been doing trade more incessantly and we'd learned that Celera was supplying weapons to some suspicious entities as well which rang alarm bells.

More specifically, Killian related groups. And that would be bad, really bad considering he was starting to strengthen after his long slumber.

Not death.

I set my eyes on the landscape out of the window and Markus held the hilt of his sword.

General Markus had been a trusted personal for a long while. Initially, the court had been hesitant to let him take over the position because he had a mate. And that she could be easily used against him.

Though Felicia was no warrior, she was no coward I realized after I met her. And I'd known Mark for at least four good centuries before I decided that yes, he deserved the position.

And of course no one could question the King.

We both took the first break in a week, not working tirelessly and he sat in front of me.

"What's so special about Cara?" He spoke slowly and I chuckled dryly.

"A lot, Markus. A lot."

Thinking back to the marks I'd seen on Cara's left forearm, I wondered just how many times she and the Alpha King had met.

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