35. Cara

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It wasn't a question because there was no way I could've mistaken the male in front of me.

When I came into the slave world, he was my only saving grace.

He helped me avoid the rage of the people in charge. He explained the rubrics of survival to me. He taught me how and why to mask emotions. He guided me to become a shadow that was smart. He shared his food with me despite being in bad shape himself. He told me stories of all sorts to distract me from the cold nights when we were made to sleep on the stone floors. He gave me knowledge of the world outside. At least as much as he knew himself. He gained my trust and he was perhaps my only emotional attachment.

He became the brother I never had, always looking out for me.

Micah. That was it. He said he didn't know his last name but it didn't matter because he was a human slave too.

Emotion surged through me as I saw his crooked smile, the evident happiness in his eyes. "How are you?"

That softness in his voice as if he was afraid I'd shatter anytime made the tears in my eyes slip down.

"I missed you." I didn't completely have to hide my emotions from him but it was a habit. So the tremor in my voice wasn't ignored.

His smile turned different, something I couldn't recognise but not bad either. "I've been missing you too."

Before I could say more, he extracted something from his pocket and my breath hitched when he dangled it in front of me.

I stared at the teardrop shaped ruby before staring at Micah.

"Please keep it for me." I closed his palm over my mother's ruby necklace.

He gulped, nodding. "I will. I promise."

He leaned forward, pressing his lips to my forehead in that brotherly way of affection he always did, calming the roaring tempest inside me. A goodbye.

My lip quivered as I stared at him. "What if I don't see you aga--"

"You will." That firm tone carried a promise he was fulfilling right now. "I'll return it to you soon. Just wait."

It wasn't that I had any doubts about him keeping it safe. It was just that in a world where nothing was predictable for us, he still managed to hold onto it while going through god knows what ordeals.

"My necklace." I reached forward to touch it, if only to feel that this was indeed real.

Micah ruffled his red curls and shot me a grin. "I promised after all."

I felt my lips turn up as he turned me around, clasping the necklace on.  "How are you even here? How did you find me, Micah?"

"I have my ways."

I rose a brow even though he couldn't see me right now.

I bent my head to see the necklace as it rested between my breasts but it was also clearly attention attracting.

"Don't worry, Cara. It won't be visible to just anyone." He smoothly replied.

I scowled, "How, Micah?"

"That ring works both ways. It can allow you to see through illusions but if it comes to that, it can also create some. Thus, since you wish it so much, the necklace will be hidden in the veil of an illusion"

Whoa, what? Why didn't I know that? Did Lucien? He hadn't told me bout it though...

There went one worry. I had so much to talk to him about but it felt like my words failed me as I turned back and looked at him, biting the inside of my cheek.

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