5. Lucien

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My eyes met the Queen's dark ones, sitting atop the throne on the dais next to the King's.

She gave me a hint of a dark smirk which I happily mimicked. Then I dutifully gestured towards the horde of slaves behind me. My hand casually resting on the hilt of my sword, I took a step back.

"As you requested, Your Majesty." She gave me a barely perceptible nod and I did the same.

Every year.

Every year like clockwork, Queen Kesla requested to see the faces of the new slaves bought. It was an act no one ever questioned though it had been an occurrence for the past 20 years now.

As anticipated, her eyes ran over each slave's face in a sweeping motion without anything to break her assessment. I was so used to it by now that I didn't even bother feigning respect as I casually walked off to the side and leaned against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest and surveying the inhabitants of the room.

Lines and lines and lines of slaves for different purposes bought by different Ministers were presented. The group I had arrived with was in the far back. Still awaiting its turn for the cold sweep of the Queen's eyes.

I would be a liar if I said it hadn't piqued my curiosity as well.

The reason for this strange and insistent practice where there was absolutely no need for it. Sure, people might think that it was perhaps a security measure, but that wouldn't be the Queen's task the, perhaps mine or some other minister. But I don't know what we could actually find in a slaves's face. Still, that girl was making me question things. I was smarter than to ask Kesla such a question.

Despite the fact that we were perhaps more cordial than most queens and their generals were, it was more of a result of my friendship with her son than anything else.

It was never King Harold or Prince Damien who did this inspection either. Always her, like she was privy to something no one else was.

Another line of house slaves came and rushed out.

Kesla was a beautiful woman. Fiery red hair, in contrast to her pale skin, curled over her shoulders. A crown sat daintily atop her head. Today, she was donning a dress of darkest, deepest mauve that gave her a description of tempting blood, matched with her hair and dark eyes.

In a dark manner, she was truly alluring for a vampire. A belt of sparkling golden chain rested on her waist against the stark mauve fabric. Kohl lined her eyes and her lips shone red.

The stench of obvious fear were enough assurance of what effect the Queen's mere presence had. Though, I might be responsible for that as well.

Queen Kesla's arms rested on the armrests of her throne casually, her eyes shrewd and the perfect posture of vicious nonchalance. A dismissive air of intimidation was wrapped around her.

I moved my eyes from the queen's figure to search the back of the Hall. My eyes searched for a certain onyx haired slave and they narrowed of their own accord when they saw how assessing her own eyes were. Discreetly, she looked around and I followed her line of sight.

Counting and noting. She was counting and noting the guards, the windows, the exits.

It was such a brave move that I couldn't help the amused smile that spread over my face. Yet, I was surprised to feel both pity and appreciation for her. 

I don't understand what's drawing me to her though.

I focused in and heard the frantic heartbeat her face was trying to mask.

The docile front she was leading everyone to believe with the lowered head and the obedient, submissive actions seemed almost laughable to me at this point.

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