22. Cara

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"Which one do you think suits me more?"

"Um...the blue one?"

Princess Sera made a face and picked back the light green dress. "Are you sure? I mean...with my ocher colored hair and brown eyes, which dress looks better?"

I stared at her, trying to understand why this Fae Royal was asking me suggestions on the dress she wished to wear the next day while I sat on a plush sofa with a plate of delicious looking cookies on it.

She blew a breath and shot me a smile. "I guess the blue is better."

If I didn't know better, I'd say she was making efforts at being friendly. 

With me.

Although I was treading carefully, the sense of comfort around her made me want to trust her. But could I? Should I? I'd never trusted a soul - besides Micah - and I wasn't about to start now only to set myself up for betrayal and dismay. That's not how you survive in Vammal as a human slave. Plus, one day had hardly passed and so far there hadn't been any movements. 

That doesn't mean Lucien had stopped in his efforts of increasing patrol or that Damien wasn't spending time with his father discussing stuff.

Or that Arion wasn't attending council meetings.

I bit into a cookie and Sera rolled her eyes. "It's good." I explained.

"Of course." She picked up one from the plate too and then sat down rather informally on her bed. "So what do you think of my brother?"

"Besides the fact that he's a flirt like Damien and likes calling me angel? Nothing really." I really really really need to stop being so blunt and honest around these few people.

Sadly that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

Sera chuckled. Then she sighed. "What about your parents?"

I kept my face impassive. "What about them?" She gave me an expectant look. "They were murdered when I was 12." I curtly replied and her brown eyes regarded me with sympathy that I brushed off. 

"Okay, so what's with that dagger?" She curiously looked at it and I smiled slightly. At both the fact that Seraphima had felt my discomfort and done a complete one-eighty on the topic and that the dagger made me remember my loving father.

"It was my father's." I felt my voice speaking softly. I ran a hand over the sharp blade, turning it over. There were shiny stones embedded in it. Like tiny diamonds and a few sapphires. It was breathtakingly beautiful and deadly. "I keep it on me always. My father made me learn how to use at least that. He was always there for me, putting me before himself."

Sera smiled warmly and her brown eyes twinkled. "He sounds amazing.....How about your mother?"

"She was just as wonderful and loving. She loved gardening and nature a lot too." I remembered, smiling in reverence. I wished I still had her ruby necklace but I don't know if its a good thing I don't have it or a bad. I miss it. It might not have been deadly like my Silern dagger but it was a belonging of my mother's that  brought me comfort. Like she was still there with me. Then again, I guess it's safer with him.

She made an awed face. Then a flash of sadness shone in her eyes and I caught it. Pouncing on that, I decided to fish out some information for my own self. "What about your parents?"

She looked at me sadly. "Our mother died giving birth to me. It was a miracle one of us survived. But our father only passed away a century after the Great Battle. So Arion's been shouldering the duties of a King for the past four hundred years."

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