14. Queen Kesla

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"You're suspicions seem to be correct, Queen Kesla. She did indeed blackout for a few minutes. Must have been...." Kesla gave him a prompting look.

"Do I have to call it a 'vision'?" He made a face and Kesla rolled her eyes.

"Yes, well, for the time being." She shrugged. "So are you sure?" Her tone turned serious.

"Yes." He nodded.

Queen Kesla sighed in satisfaction as she swirled her glass of red Fae wine and took a sip. "Does she suspect you?"

The brown haired guy shook his head and gave her a look, "I'm a good shapeshifter. And with that, I can mold my personality as well. Though I don't like as much to play with her." He looked away, a distant look in his eyes.

Kesla sighed, her red hair burning like fire. "Yes, yes, I'm aware, but it is what it is. Keep it up." She cocked her head to the side. "And Gallum?"

The brown haired guy inhaled deeply and shrugged. "He did as asked."

"And my son and Lucien arrived, correct?" She arched a perfect brow and the boy clicked his tongue in agreement.

"The dagger?" She sipped from her wine glass as she looked at him over the rim.

"She'll go to retrieve it as well, so tonight is your night."

Kesla hummed. "The guards?"

"I'll manage."

"Good." She looked out the window, "The necklace?"

"Is safe. When its time, I'll return it to her."

"Very well and what did Belaura have to say? I'm considering summoning her...."

"That wouldn't be a good move at the moment to be honest, Your Majesty."

She set her dark eyes upon him before sipping from the wine glass, watching him from over the rim.

"How much will you tell her?" He cocked his head to the side and inquired.

"Oh, you know." Kesla tilted her glass and shrugged, smiling secretly. "Confuse her further. Besides......with Arion here in addition to Lucien and Damien? The three should cause some trouble. And still they'll be missing one mongrel."

The Queen smiled broadly and the boy shook his head at the extravagance of it all, narrowing his eyes. "How much longer though?"

"Well.....Sera will be here with Arion." Kesla raised a suggestive a brow.

"Why?" He frowned slightly.

Queen Kesla tilted her head and feigned offense, "She always accompanies him. You know that."

He shrugged, not denying before he met her dark stare. "That'll just cement your beliefs even more."

"Exactly." Kesla put down her glass. "But we have to be sure, obviously."

The man ruffled his hair tiredly and letting out a breath. "Well....this should be fun."

Kesla grinned darkly. "Indeed."



So what do you think???

This was just a filler chapter so was shorter and was in third person's point of view as in no one's. Just wanted to clarify. The next chapter is gonna be much awaited huh? Anyways, vote and comment and stay safe! Thanks!

AND OMG thanks for 1K reads and sooooo many votes and comments!!!!! I'm greatful to you all! <3


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