32. Cara

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My hand held the dagger outwards, my breath catching in my throat and my eyes evidently widened as I sat up in bed.

The moonlight streaming in from the balcony only added to the eerie feeling but it also illuminated the figure I was pointing my Silern dagger at with justified hostility.

The soft purple duvet had slipped low, revealing the red nightgown I was wearing with thin straps and a satin like feel to it when I had shot up from my bed and grasped my dagger within moments.

My breathing was uneven and I couldn't exactly find my voice.

He smirked as he leaned against the door to my room, completely at leisure, hands folded over that well muscled chest that I had already had a glimpse of earlier in the day.

"Easy, Angel. It's just me."

I scoffed. "All the more reason for me to do this." I gripped my weapon tighter and his stormy grey eyes lit up with amusement.

"You wound me, Cara." He clicked his tongue and moved forward, his steps light and his fingers unbuttoning the top two buttons of his crisp blue shirt. "I did say I might give you a special visit tonight."

My eyes observed his movements and I was frozen in place.

Well, not a lie.

Out of the blue, he had crossed the distance and was standing right in front of me.

Fae speed. Ugh.

His smirk was confident and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his. Russet hair fell over Arion's forehead, pointed ears slightly peeking and he bent forward until his face was level with mine.

"What are you doing here, Your Majesty?"

My voice was firm even if my heartbeat betrayed me at the closeness.

His smirk grew and then I felt his fingers over mine, electricity shooting and making my pulse increase.

He swiftly slipped the dagger from my hands and my hold was so loose that it offered no resistance when his fingers touched mine.

"It's dangerous...." I whispered and he chuckled softly, his eyes looking away to stare at the bejeweled dagger. "It's Silern."

"Mhm. I'm aware." Arion was only touching the hilt and observing the blade because the rare metal Silern was deadly to all supernatural creatures.

Surprisingly, I didn't feel afraid that he would hurt me at all. But something about the action was enthralling when he returned the dagger to me.

I lowered my hand, still holding the dagger for the sake of....I don't know. Comfort?

The Fae King took a seat on my bed and I couldn't bring myself to scoot away when the heat of his body reached mine.

He leaned forward, his stormy grey eyes trailing over my face and then lower to my neck till the dipping neckline.

Arion's fingers were suddenly under the red strap of my nightgown, making my breath hitch and I sucked in a sharp breath when he moved them. His touch left a searing feeling over my shoulder and lower as he pulled on the thin strap.

"Red suits you."

His voice was almost husky and I involuntarily clenched my thighs. Arion stared deep into my eyes, his eyes a shade darker.

"Thank you." I barely breathed. "Your Majesty."

He hummed and then let go, making me exhale in relief but his touch still left me reeling.

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now