11. Cara

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And blood.

That was all I could see as I blinked furiously and incoherent words met my ears but the noise was prominent. It was a full on battle scene. I didn't have the slightest idea how I ended up here because.....

Because I'd never had this vision before. Ever.

It was dark, and in the distance stood a mirror. A mirror with a shiny, rippling, water-like surface. My assumption was wrong, obviously. I realized that when something unpleasant  I couldn't discern walked out of it. Like it had been a door.

I was pretty confused. I didn't like being in this alien environment where I was helpless but since I knew this was just a vision and I didn't wanna do something in the real world that would bring attention to me, I went along with it despite my perplexed state.

I saw swords clashing all around and blood being spilled. Even though I was pretty color blind here. I also did not like feeling this way, so helpless. I couldn't even see properly in this place. And I hated it. Like I didn't have enough on my plate and needed more to ponder over, this new vision came like an unwanted guest.

Forces dark and bright clashed and it seemed like something was headed towards..........the person whose eyes I was looking through. Something that made me feel cold inside even though I wasn't there. It was close and then even closer and then---

I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt myself crashing down. Like I'd been thrown into ice cold water and a shiver went through my body.

"Hey, you okay, Cara?"

I blinked at the scene in front of me.

My hand was outstretched towards Veta who was nuzzling my hand and a bucket full of dry hay rested in my other hand.


"Yeah, I'm fine." I glanced at Theo as I schooled my features back into neutrality and gave Veta some grass. A trick about hiding emotions that I had learnt from Micah, my partner-in-crime, the one person who came close to being somewhat a friend of mine.

Theo shrugged and then went back to brushing the horses. Seemed like he was being his usual uncaring self. But he could be feigning it for all I knew. He was here to certainly keep an eye on me, I didn't want him thinking much of this lapse. It wouldn't be a good thing and I had enough things to take care of.

"You seemed tired, zoned out for a minute there." Theo's voice got my attention.

"Oh, well. Can't help it." It was better to act like I was on neutral territory. Not complaining but not agreeing either. And he said 'a minute' so that must mean that was how long the vision lasted. I furrowed my brows slightly.

That was a new vision though and it was bothering me. I had a count of five visions I always saw exactly. But this was new. While it left me befuddled, I knew I was short on time and I'd have to forget this. I mean, it wasn't something I could control. Plus I didn't know anything about these visions. But it left me intrigued about what the mirror-like thing was and the creature that came out and then headed towards me.

And as far as Theo's words were concerned, he was right.

It had been two days already since I'd been thrust into a routine of waking up, doing the stable jobs, meeting Keely and Britt and doing the various palace jobs till it was well past ten at night only too come back to the stables tired and falling asleep the second my aching body would hit the hay. But despite my actions, my brain refused this to be a routine for me. But I had to bide my time and I knew that. Let the sand settle a bit before striking again.

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