31. Cara

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"Do you feel like coming to see some sweating and muscle flexing Fae male specimens?"

I had to bite my cheek from chuckling as I nodded, my lips tugging upwards. "Your wish is my command, Princess."

"Including my brother." Sera grinned at me, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she whirled around in her tulle green gown, her ocher hair bouncing.

I breathed in and shook my head at the though of Arion.

I have been getting more and more used to Sera's presence and mysterious antics. Of course I've come to know she's not the dull type at all.

As she walked out, I followed her and closed the door to my room.

Yes, my room.

I was quite surprised when Sera and Arion had told me I would have my own room and it was right besides Sera and opposite to the King's.

Suspicious as it was, Arion simply stared into my eyes and his grey orbs made me swallow my questions. While as Sera simple justified it by saying that I was supposed to be her Handmaiden and thus always available.

I would've believe if for the past one week of my stay here, she hadn't given me more freedom that I had ever known. Even as a child I remember there were those rules in the place we lived - away from the civilization.

Sera didn't have me on her beck and call. She let me roam and have time for myself. Though I hadn't done much with it. When I wasn't staying by her side, I would go to the garden.  Or simply stay in my room, turning over restless thoughts in my mind.

The garden was beautiful and there was a section that was filled with lilacs growing about. The first time I stumbled upon it, I'd outright chuckled.

It reminded me of how the guys always told me I had a scent like lilacs and lemons.

That thought had sent me into a spiral.

So every time I was in the small alcove surrounded by chirping birds, shade and the namesake of my apparent scent, my mind would wander to Celera.

How were Damien and Lucien doing? What about Alpha?

It had been two weeks since I last saw them.

I didn't think it would affect me at all but the constant reminders of the jadeite ring, the mark on my neck that was yet to fade and the faded scars on my forearm from when Alpha had bitten and subsequently healed me made my chest feel hollow at times.

It didn't feel as bad when I bad Arion in my sights though.

When I reminisced, I regretted not getting to confront Britt. She was a witch and I was sure if that but the rest made no sense. I missed Theo's presence in the mornings.

Waking up in a soft bed in violet shaded duvets and a matching theme in the princess like room made me vehement enough to go delving into the dark depth of the new visions I'd been having.

I think a small part of me even missed the storm shaded horse; Veta.

Wherever Princess Sera went I followed dutifully. And in the past week I had gained the knowledge of the rough layout of the huge three floored Palace. Sera wasn't just a Princess in name either. She had duties, I learned, that she performed with vigor.

She talked to court members and civilians alike, solved problems that Arion didn't have the time to and kept things in the Palace in working order.

Compared to her brother - the King - she obviously had more time on her hands. She used it to her advantages though and more than once in the past week since I started working with her, I'd attended her tea ceremonies that sadly included Lady Katherine.

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