38. Cara

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I lunged with the sword, turned and ducked before striking a fatal blow. 

With my chest heaving, I glanced at Arion who smirked at me.

"Good job."

My cheeks flushed and I put down the wooden sword, longing for Rubin. The feel of it was different.

"You've been getting better."

"As I should." I affirmed. He chuckled.

Running a hand through his russet hair, he picked up his own sword. "Do you think you can now handle a real sword?"

His question made me want to snicker but I held myself back.

If only he knew how I'd been practicing with Rubin for the past one week since I discovered it in that room, he might change his mind.

When I'd first held it, the scary feeling of familiarity overwhelmed me. But when I tried just the basic moves I realized my muscle memory was acting differently because it performed such high-skill swordplay that I was left wide eyed.

Since then, after my morning trainings with Arion where he worked me to the bone, I visited the room and practiced with Rubin. I realized it comforted me in a strange sense.

I'd also been feeling like I was being watched. Sometimes it made me shiver in delight but sometimes it made my hackles rise with the sinister feeling it evoked within me.

I exchanged my wooden sword with a real metal one, wiping the sweat from my brow as I saw Arion twirl his sword.

"Let's have a try and see how well you can hold your own in a sword fight, Angel."

He didn't give me much time to process and I barely got the sword up in time to stop his.

I could tell he was restraining his power and I mean, for good reason. But I also couldn't work the same way I did with Rubin. Partly because the sword's significance was different and partly because I myself knew how many questions it would raise if I showed such good skills in such a short time without having worked on them with my only mentor.

Arion charged again and I took a step back, blocking his sword that was going for my side.

This was not fatal but it was a test and I couldn't be vulnerable either way.

So as we parried, I looked for an opportunity. He kept pushing me back, his eyes fierce.

"Is this all you have?" He taunted, barely out of breath but I didn't give in. I was still looking for my opportunity.

And when I found it, I grabbed it by the neck.

I moved to the side so his next sword move went straight through empty air. Meanwhile I entangled our swords, twisting my wrist until my the tip of my weapon was through the loop guard of the Fae King's sword.

For a second neither of us moved and then I found myself with my chin raised by Arion's sword.

I was breathing hard, body flushed with adrenaline.

His grey eyes stared into mine and he smirked, "That was smart. But I'm still better."

Of course he was.

He lowered the sword and took the weapon from me as well. I guess he still wouldn't entrust me with it.

I might not have won but that was never the point.

I gulped down some water and saw a drop of sweat trickle down his neck. Arion was in his shirt but it was so hot that it was soaked through with the sweat and now sticking to his skin.

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