37. Cara

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"Please! I swear it on my life, it's the truth!"


"But I'm being sincere!"

"I'm glad to know."

"Eat. Them. Now."

I rose an unimpressed brow.

The Fae Princess who had been pleading and pouting in front of me for the past thirty-two minutes seemed to have reached her limits. I bit back a smile as she glared at me.

"You need to taste them! You will love them, it's the best!" She pushed the plate of lemon delicacies in front of me. 

Not going to lie, the biscuits did look appealing and quite soft but right now, watching her beg was more fun. Plus I got to learn just how long she could keep the cute act on.

I sighed and blinked innocently. Sera's bottom lip quivered and her eyes widened.

"If you don't eat it then I will lock you in a room with Katherine." Her words were frail and weak, eyes watering. "You know I'm capable of that. And I'll also get her talking about Arion before I do that."

The impact of her threat was instant as I grabbed a biscuit.

God knows that would be a disaster. Gah, no, ugh. I can't even imagine.

The quiver and the pout and the watering wide eyes all vanished and I could't help but chuckle.

"See I knew you'd come around." Sera dusted her dress and grinned at me. I shook my head in incredulity but she only chuckled. 

I gave in and bit into the heavenly delight, Sera accompanying me.

We both moaned.

"Oh my god, that tastes so good! They're now my favorite." I told Sera and she nodded understandingly.

"They already were." She chuckled but the words didn't slip my observant mind, I just chose to not comment on that because....it wouldn't really get me any answers so now why other?

But it was not a joke. The lemon biscuits I mean. They were so soft that they melted in my mouth like cloudy delight and tasted the perfect kind of tangy and sweet.

I smiled as I ate my third biscuit and sipped the tea with the Fae Princess. She was truly unbelievable.

"I'm glad you're here, Cara."

I looked at her from the rim of my teacup. Though I didn't answer her, I knew in my hearts of hearts that I agreed.

"So, did you know that we have a female Minister in the Council?"

I rose a curious brow and swallowed the remnants of the biscuit in my mouth. "Truly?"

She nodded, her almond eyes staring into mine. "She handles the textile business within and outside the kingdom." She frowned. "Initially, everyone opposed Lady Isla but Arion had stayed silent." She glanced back at me as she grabbed another biscuit and mischievously slipped one into my plate making me chuckle.

"Then what?" I inquired, genuinely interested.

Sera put up a finger and went to the door when someone knocked. She opened it and bit her lip when Leon bowed, eyes lowered. I settled in with a smile and watched the small show.

"The grapes, your Majesty."

She blinked and nodded, chuckling as her cheeks heated. "Right, yes, of course." She pushed a strand of hair behind her arched pointed ear but it slipped out again.

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