18. Cara

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My back hit the wall quite harshly as Lucien's arm came to rest beside my head against the wall, making me feel trapped and caged. I masked my emotions even as my stomach turned in anxiousness and Lucien's amber eyes bore into mine intensely.

His other hand rested on his sword and I took in his appearance for tonight.

Lucien's burgundy cloak was on, boots and a pair of black pants, cobalt blue shirt and laces made of white dye were suiting him. In the bland kingdom colors I'd thought he would look bad but it still did noting to reduce his handsomeness.

Blast the gods. Someone blast the gods!


I drew in a breath, preparing myself to ask him why we were here - alone - and what had him so desperate when he broke the silence himself.

"Who bit you?" His voice was low as his eyes burned the skin of my neck where Damien's fang marks were. More importantly his voice was dangerous and dark.

I gulped.

Then I gasped softly when he brought his face closer to me, so close that I could feel the heat radiating off his body and his lips millimetres from mine. I realized Damien hadn't told Lucien of this encounter.

"Answer me, Cara." His voice was forceful and before I completely thought over my words, I was speaking.

"Are you and Damien truly best friends?"

Lucien blinked, tilting his head slightly to the side. "Brothers. Our bond is stronger than blood brothers."

Firstly, I was just surprised he answered me at all and secondly, the passion in his voice when he spoke of Damien was heart wrenching.

But then.....

Why the fuck were they both getting me alone to answer secrets they were keeping from each other?! 

"I see."

"Now....." when Lucien's finger brushed my neck, I blushed furiously and felt my heart pounding. "Who was it." It wasn't even a question at this point.

And something in his tone made me answer him honestly. "Damien."

I was surprised myself that I wasn't addressing him as Prince Damien instead by his name straight away. But it seemed right. Associating the title seemed just...wrong. Like I couldn't bring myself to say it. Especially with Lucien. 

Lucien's eyes snapped up to meet mine and I inhaled deeply at the churning emotions in his amber eyes.

I fucking love his eyes.

But then, Damien's are electric.


I tried to stop my cheeks and neck from heating up in embarrassment but it didn't work. Judging by Lucien's twinkling eyes, I'd say he'd already noticed my loose reign on emotions tonight.

"Why did he bite you, exactly?" His tone was cold as usual.

"Aren't you 'brothers' and 'best friends'? Why are you asking me then? How am I to know?" I snapped back.

He paid me no heed and narrowed his eyes. I was just glad he didn't mention my flaming cheeks. A muscle in his jaw ticked and he looked away from me.

"When did he even see you?" He hissed.

I shrugged, "When he was draining my fellow maid of her blood." 


I'm being too crude but I can't help it. This is too much. 

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now