40. Damien/Lucien

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(Damien's P.O.V)

As the meeting adjourned and the meeting hall emptied, I found myself still sitting there.

My mother eyed me, a small dark smile gracing her lips and fiery red hair cascading down her back in pretty curls before she turned away.

My father gave me a pat before he left and then it was just me.

And, well, General Lucien.

He stared at me, cold as ever and I sighed. 

"The last update was that Killian isn't strong enough and he needs time but...he isn't stopping his minions from gathering an army. Hellion will soon be over-populated and then they'll move on to the next territory."

"Obviously." He deadpanned and I gave him a sour look.

I rubbed a hand over my face and looked out of the window, gulping. "Will you please stop staring at me like that?"

Lucien snickered, "Should I?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, you should."

Lucien clenched his jaw and leaned on the table across from mine. "Then you should stop being an idiot as well, Prince Damien."

I frowned at him. "What did I do?" 

Okay, so I might know but that doesn't mean I'm going to give Lucien an easy way to corner me.

Lucien rose an unimpressed brow and his amber eyes glinted threateningly. I groaned.

"Lucien. Don't you have soldiers to train and strategies to work out?" I asked him.

"I do." He confirmed before standing up from his seat and it would've been too much too hope he would let me be.

He came over and leaned against the table, facing me as I twisted my chair to look up ta him. "Then why can I see the General's body still here?"

Lucien gave me a cold look and I smirked. "Irritated? Ready to leave?"

"Do you expect me to stay silent forever? It's been, what......More than two months already?"

I looked away, jaw set.

The Shifter General continued, "When was the last time you drank from a fresh prey, hm?"

"When was the last time you smiled?" I shot back.

His eyes hardened. "That's not what I do."

"Yes, but I know that someone had just started chipping away at the ice coating your heart."

"Is changing the topic going to make your dark-circles and that gradual weakening change as well?" He folded his arms across his chest and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Lucien...." I warned.

"Damien....." He threatened back and I let out a frustrated noise, standing up as well.

"I'm going to do as I please." I firmly established.

He narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "You have been living off of blood in cups when you know it doesn't give the same strength or thrill like fresh blood does to you."

I closed my eyes, exhaling slowly. "Lucien, I'm perfectly fine."

Even I knew what a lie that was.

After Cara's departure, I couldn't exactly forget her. Worry gnawed at me and I couldn't bring myself to drink from someone else after the kind of intimate and pleasurable experience I had with her.

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