9. Cara

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The brunette and I sat down at a table in the corner and I finally noticed her uniform.

It was the same blue and burgundy as mine which explains why Lucien probably chose her to assist me. Also, I think I've realized that this is a uniform not every maid has.

Only a handful of maids and servants were wearing this and I knew I was in for something huge. More than enough people in here gave me sidelong glances and looks full of disdain, pity and curiosity. I suppose making an entrance with the General called for it.

"So, um, wh-what's your name?" The girl inquired shyly as she too sat down and ate a soon of her porridge.

I picked up the hard slice of bread and sniffed it. Who knows if these were drugged? But then again, I couldn't starve either.

 "Cara." I replied curtly then took a moment to observe her.

Short brown hair and normal brown eyes, flimsy body structure, not enough meat on her bones, the usual. Probably 17. "And you?"

"O-oh, me?" She gulped. She's too shy for her own good. Not like me, she's not putting up a front. "K-Keely."

I smiled a bit at her, if only to give her some courage and nodded then ate the bread.

"General Lucien is so fearsome." She said quietly.

I nodded again. "So, um, who's Milla?" I asked her, changing the subject. The sooner I get the information on everything I can, the better. And the more aware of my surroundings I am, the quicker I can escape.

"Well, she's the Queen's personal handmaid who overlooks all the maids and servants working in the Palace, but there are only some of us that work directly u-under her." She started. "Milla is hard and so s-stern, no room for complaints or mistakes when you're under her division. Also, only those under Milla can be in the West Wing: The R-Royals' Wing. The cleaning and o-other necessities of the West Wing are the duties of those that Milla handpicks."

This girl is shy and broken and afraid, if her stuttering and slight shivers say anything.

"I see." I finished my porridge and Keely stood up, "Come on then, we shouldn't be late."


We both silently kept the dishes in the sink where the kitchen staff must be taking care of it and then started to head out while keeping our heads down.

Before we exited, Keely met my eyes timidly and asked, "Why though, w-were you with General L-Lucien?"

I sighed and shrugged as I stared at the hallway ahead, "Even I don't know."


So, when Keely said that Milla was stern and hard? She was NOT lying.

"I want you here everyday at sharp 7:30. The Palace won't clean itself." Milla sneered as her cold eyes scrutinized me. I nodded.

"No mistakes. From ANYONE, clear?" The woman with the tight bun and a cane in her hand looked at all the maids in the room. There were about 30 in the same uniform. I don't think the West Wing is done justice with just 30 maids. They must be using all their energy!

Like I will have to.

I bit the inside of my cheek again to contain my anger.

 Of course that's why they put me under this women's command. 

If I had no energy or time, I'd automatically fall into the routine where only work and avoiding vampires and mistakes would be on my mind. Escape would be a long gone thought.

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