44. Cara

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The last thing I had expected while Sera, Isla and I sat together and chatted lightly was for Leon and Micah to burst in frazzled.

Leon's eyes were the most expressive I'd seen so far and he didn't bother with pleasantries. Micah with his red hair, stood beside him but less ruffled up.

I stiffened even before he dropped any information and expected some reaction out of Isla and Sera but neither looked alarmed.

I stealthily slipped a hand over my pants and grabbed onto the bejeweled dagger. Instantly feeling better, armed with it but the feeling washed out soon.

And the ornate bangle Sera had gifted me sat like a weight on my left wrist and I rubbed my fingers over the jadeite ring.

"The Palace has been infiltrated." Micah's tone was hard but it implied far worse was yet to come.

A slight frown tugged at my brows but what he said next knocked the breath out of me.

"There are ten Daeva outside and one already prowling inside the walls of the Palace, Your Majesty. We need to seek safety."

I gulped, throat tight and Silern dagger poised at my side, free of its constricts.

A Daeva? No....ten Daeva?

Princess Seraphima narrowed her eyes and stood up while Isla's eyes remained downcast, shrouded in a heavy curtain of her blue hair.

"I see." She said it coolly and then glanced at me as if checking to see how I was doing.

For the most part, I was still keeping a good rein on my emotions despite the fact that I was overwhelmed on the inside by the prospect of ten or more of the creature that I'd barely managed to escape right outside.

I bit the inside of my cheek.

Hard enough to draw blood. The tangy and metallic taste jarred me awake and reminded me of how my last encounter with the hell's creature had been. I owed my life to that strange but loving sword Rubin.

I sucked in a breath and stood up, following Minister Isla's lead as she bunched her dress up and with a slight incline to her head, made eye contact with Sera.

"I shall take my leave in that case, Your Highness."

With a start I noticed she called her 'Your Highness' and not 'Your Majesty' and it wasn't lightly weighed. The usage definitely had some value but it was not to be pondered when I was the next object to be met with her blue eyes.

Isla's lips tilted up and she inclined her head again, "Take care."

Micah had been besides Leon when he burst in but now he was nowhere to be found. Worry gnawed at me but considering I'd barely caught glimpses of him in the last few weeks since becoming aware of his position, it wasn't a surprise.

I thought that was when Minister Isla would leave but she lingered a bit and then with a resolve in her blue eyes, hugged the Fae Princess who let out a light laugh and patted her back.

The blue haired Fae flickered her eyes towards mine as she gave Sera a berth and just stared at me with eyes so full of.....a...a myriad of emotions I just couldn't distinguish.

And then with a whirl, she was gone probably using her Fae speed much to my dismay.

I let out a shuddering breath, confused as to why she had left and the way as well.

But I wasn't given much time to ponder over that.

Leon gruffly spoke, by Sera's side now. "Micah has already left for the battle outside to lend a hand. We need to keep the two of you safe in the meantime."

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