8. Cara

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"Wake up, Cara."

Something moist licked my face and the words registered in my mind. Withing seconds, I was up, my dagger tightly clutched in my hand as my heart thundered.

"Whoa, ease up, it's just me."

My eyes zeroed in on a brown haired guy, holding a bucket and I blinked. The place didn't stink, but the unmistakable stench of horses was present.

"Theo....Um, sorry." I lowered my dagger and he gave me a small smile. I didn't return it and kept my face impassive.

He nodded, "It's alright." Then he gestured towards my left and I followed his eyes, "Veta there seems to like you."

"The horse?" I asked, a bit perplexed. I realized that the wet feeling I'd felt was probably Veta licking my cheek. I self-consciously rubbed the spot and cleared my throat. I eyed the stormy grey beauty.

"I suppose."

Theo raised his brows. "You know she's the most expensive, deadliest and fastest horse in all of Celera? The Prince and General have had quite a few fights over her."

I looked back at Veta who whinnied and felt lower than a horse. Wow, Veta.

I can't believe I'm feeling lower than a horse.

"You're lucky you got to sleep next to her stable."

Yep. Lower than a horse.

I slept on the floor on top of some dry hay, for the record. Not complaining. Better than cold stone floors or being chained to the wall or having to sleep in contaminated, dirty maid beds.

"Oh." I responded. I was careful with my words around him. For all I knew, he could be spying on me as well. And as I'd said, Lucien was the only one who was making me lose my cool.

I'm impressed by myself that I'm still alive and not lying drained in some city street in teeny-tiny pieces. Or that Lucien sucked at comebacks.

Ha. I snorted internally.

Then Theo jerked his chin towards the few horses, "Well, let's get started. You go freshen up in the back, there's a small pond you can use. No one will come by, they'll have to go through the stables so don't worry. Just be quick and change into the maid uniform you already have. Then you come back, take that bundle of hay and those two buckets. Give each horse a balanced and equal part of the food."

I breathed out when he finished speaking and simply nodded. Okay, wow. Curse Lucien for getting me extra work. However, if I wanted, I could, in fact, play this to my benefit. I could have some 'me' time and observe my surroundings, get my thoughts in line before my first day in the palace officially started.

I got up and took the clothes with me, heading to the back exit and was soon out of the stables.

I can't believe I actually managed to sleep.

With how things had turned out, I had high doubts that I would even sleep a wink but knowing that I had to be woken up was a bit of a surprise. But I guess, on the bright side, its good that I got some rest. I know things won't be easy on me today and surely I needed the energy.

I saw the small pond. Big enough to act like a tub with clear blue water that was....

I put a hand it.

....freaking freezing!

I took it out and exhaled heavily. Around us, was greenery and....a big wall. Definitely not something I could scale. Plus there was some spiky thing on top. So....it wasn't a dangerous place that someone could spot me in but it wasn't a good escape route either. But then again, I mean why would they keep me in a place I could escape from?

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