27. Cara

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As I stood in front of the huge doors of the Celeran Palace, about to venture out where the Fae party was gathering along with Arion and Sera, I could envision my escape.

And what a failure it would be.

I had been given a different dress to wear. A light green blouse - no corset and I think I'm glad - that was made of linen and a warmer violet cape to wear over it. Black breeches and leather boots were provided as well and I was surprised at the quality of the clothes for the travel.

They wouldn't freeze me with forcing me to wear rags? This wasn't treatment for a slave. No, it truly wasn't. And I felt uncomfortable. But I didn't question it. I wasn't ungrateful, only suspicious. I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth!

I had made sure to slip in my bejeweled knife into my boot as well and hoped to eradicate the memory of the incident that happened two days ago though time seemed to have flown. 

The cold breeze flew in and the strands of my loosely braided hair brushed against my cheeks.

I willed myself to step out but I knew I had been stalling.

Stalling so I could perhaps just catch a glimpse of someone I had yet to say goodbye to. But it didn't seem like that would be happening anytime soon.

So I rubbed a finger over the Jadeite ring and put one step outside the threshold.

That was as far as I got before fingers wrapped around my wrist - which had successfully managed to heal as well - and pulled me back from prying eyes. I felt my heartbeat increase.

There it was.

That presence at my back. Wrapping around me, full of power and strength, one arm around my waist. I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling deja vu at how this was similar to when Lucien found me on my escapade.

Icy feelings tricked in with his touch, my skin pebnling with the influence.

"Intending to leave without any last words, are we, pet?" His voice made a tingle run down my spine. And I didn't bother correcting him.

His breath fanned my cheek, warming it slightly despite how his cold tone and behavior put him at crossroads. How this cold Shifter General even had a kernel of warmth within him was beyond me and yet within reach.

"Would it matter, General?"

My remark was only met with silence and a tighter grip. A weight settled on my shoulder and I identified it to be Lucien resting his chin on me.

Eh? What is he? A kid? Resting his chin on my shoulder?

Okay, fine I'm trying to not read into things.

My heart beat like the flutter of frantic wings and I felt like I couldn't get enough air with him so close and so dangerously in contact.

"You shouldn't fall prey to false charms and good treatment, pet. It won't last." His voice was cold enough to freeze but his words were entirely at odds with his tone, leaving me baffled. Even as he said it, his free arm–muscled as it was– aligned itself with the hand where the Jadeite ring was.

Was he going to take it back?

My heart dropped at the thought. The thought didn't settle well with me because the ring was starting to make me feel safe. And it was like a part of Lucien was with me. Just like I could still feel Damien's lips on me.

I processed what he had said and knew it was true. "I thought being the one who caught me, you would know I'm not stupid."

"No. You're a smart pet. But a word of caution never hurt anyone."

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