25. Cara/Arion

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(Cara's P.O.V)

"What the hell happened here?"

My heart raced as I whipped around. A shiver traveled down my spine at his tone of authority. 

Arion was the one who spoke. His russet hair was mussed up, much like the other two and eyes blazing. Their swords and clothes were drenched in blood and I felt my stomach churn at the sight.

Not because of the blood.

Oh, no. I was happy if anything.

Why couldn't that blood belong to the murderer of my parents? Their leading red eyed vampire?

I took in a breath and as my eyes took in the appearance of the midnight-black haired Prince and the amber-eyed General, I was once more sucked into the disconcerting feeling of belonging.

I felt my throat tighten, feeling the dull throb from my forearm where the bite had healed, leaving a noticeable scar but no more gushing blood.

"Well?" Damien's word was sharp and his eyes on me.

Arion was beside the standing Sera, jaw clenched. And Lucien, with practiced ease, surveyed the room.
I schooled my features into neutrality.

But won't he notice the pool of my blood right under the frame of the bed post and marring the shiny surface? The smell was enough.

I myself could smell the tang of it. The metallic buzz. Let alone all their sharpened senses of smell and Damien's vampire instincts.

Despite those thoughts and a fleeting glance towards Sera who was rolling her eyes as Arion checked her for any injuries, I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to a pair of molten gold eyes, peering at me from the form of a beastly wolf with ebony fur.

"There was a wolf here who tried to attack but you all arrived. He's gone."

Sera convincingly stated, sharing a glance with me. I didn't bother correcting her or questioning her intentions.

It was obvious that they all knew something was amiss yet couldn't see the evidence of the occurrence lying right there.

Must be Sera. She probably concealed and glamoured the room. But I'm thankful for it because I don't think I want to explain myself or my instinct to come here.

Or the strange encounter with the alluring werewolf.

I let my hand wander to my thigh, feeling the comfort of the jeweled dagger once more.

And I questioned myself again on why I didn't use it on Alpha. 

Perhaps the same reason why Lucien managed to sneak up on me and capture me.

Or how I didn't think of harming Damien when he bit me.

Or when Arion jested with me despite being a cunning Fae King.

I felt my head fill with more questions but focused back.

"And you Cara. Are you alright?" Arion'a attention now lingered on me, his deep voice making a tingle run down my spine as his storm-grey eyes raked over me from top to bottom, every inch.


I wondered if the slight waver in my voice was because he was checking me for injuries or something else entirely. Because this sudden heat I was feeling from his gaze shouldn't be possible.

Good thing the angle besides the window was hiding my bad arm. Still, I was convinced that Sera's illusion would be enough concealment. Her power was truly wondrous.

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