29. Cara/Arion

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(Cara's P.O.V)

The fallen falcon called for our attention and Arion's grey eyes narrowed. I watched, biting the inside of my cheek as the falcon shifter changed into his human form. Instantly, he was draped in a blanket from the waist down.

Blood poured down his shoulder and he was breathing harshly. The shapeshifter was the eyes sent ahead to scout the areas for any danger. Apparently, he did find danger.

He seemed on the verge of unconsciousness as he looked at his King and managed to utter some words, "Trap...a-ahead."

The Healer instantly got to his work while the shifter's words left the environment even more tense than before. Everyone was at attention now.

My questions were pushed to the back of my mind when a snout pushed against my thigh.

I looked down, my brows furrowing as the black wolf nudged me. I glanced at Sera who was staring at the wolf.

Then the yellow eyed creature started to push me towards a certain direction. A few feet ahead, there was a fork in the road and judging by the direction our procession had been in, we would be taking the right fork.

The wolf butted its head against me more forcefully and pushed me towards the left fork.

I eyed the road ahead and then the wolf.

"What's she trying to do, Cara?" Arion's voice lifted over the swishing of the wind in the silent gathering, carrying my name on it.

The question was precise. And very much direct.

This time, though, I could answer. With an affirmative tone, I looked him in the eyes.

"I think she intends for us to take the left fork instead of the right "

"Why would we do that?"

His arched brow screamed amusement even when the fallen comrade rose suspicious questions of a trap ahead and yet I knew that under that facade amusement and curled up lips, cold calculation no lesser than a bloodthirsty but royal Prince like Damien was brewing.

I looked at the path again and then glanced at the right fork. Besides the fact that the left fork was certainly the less traveled and even one, there was no other stark difference.

I didn't know.

Didn't know why we should go ahead with what this wolf was trying to make us do. Then trotting with a slight limp to the right fork, the black she-wolf pawed at something.

I looked behind me at Seraphima who was watching us with amusement much different than her brother's but not like the one Queen Kesla sported.

Countless eyes were trained on me but one bore holes into the back of my head.

Arion was watching intently as I reached the pawed Earth and found something buried in there.

A necklace.

"A witch's talisman." I don't know how I recognized it or felt the power within at mere touch but I spoke the words without getting the time to soak it all in myself.

In the blink of an eye, Arion and General Mark were on either side of me.

With a shrewd eye and sword drawn, General Mark took a few steps closer before stopping short. Councillor West took the necklace from me, his facial features grim.

The black wolf was now closer to the forest's edge, as if meaning to vanish in the next few seconds.

I looked at Arion who took the talisman from Councillor West and then scoffed, a smirk lighting his face.

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