2. Cara

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Within minutes we were setting foot in the mansion containing the auction hall, the lines shuffling forward.

Oh gods, please let it happen, please let it happen, please let it--


 The previously sneering guard grabbed my arm and took me out of the line. I slightly winced at the harsh grip but thanked my stars nevertheless.

He gestured for the line to continue moving, then fixed his eyes on me. His lips twisted into a crooked smile, promising the wort of sins. His gaze roved over my body as I internally cringed, my eyes lowered. Still, so far I was on track.

I kept my head bowed down, whimpering and playing the scared and submissive slave card. He looked satisfied, seemingly having bought it. Not that I wasn't scared. My heart was pounding in my chest and I had no doubts that the vampire could hear it, much to his pleasure.

"You deserve a punishment for stepping out of line, dear."

Huh. Was it pun intended?

Wait. The words registered and alarm bells rang in my head. Only.....I'd been waiting for those exact words

I cowered away in fear, "S-sorry...." I curled into myself, the fear very much real. The guard flashed me a fanged smile and with a nod towards the other vampire, grabbed my elbow and dragged me to a secluded area. To be honest, it was the exact spot I had marked as well. Good.

The vampire had taken the excuse to abuse me, even if I was to be sold today, there wasn't really anyone who would stop him from drinking my blood or trying to gain pleasure from this situation. Vampires would 'Play' with us helpless slaves once in a while. Of course, this guard was looking for a quickie and my actions had gotten me under his radar to be his prey tonight.


He kept glancing back, his grip tightening as I stumbled ahead along with him, my heart beating erratically and my eyes marginally wide. The hallway was fairly deserted, one turn away from the route I'd marked for my escape.

The guard stopped, slamming my five foot seven frame into the wall. My body screamed in agony and I winced. I wasn't as healthy one would hope but these three days had provided enough meat to my frail body that I could garner an escape plan. I crumpled down onto the floor. Gulping, I scurried farther into the dark nook as the guard prowled forward.

Give them power enough to fool them.....

"P-please.....d-don't hurt me, p-please..." I whimpered and his sinister grin grew.

.....But never enough to lose yourself.

He bent down to my level as I lay on my ass on the marble floor, and pushed my shoulders painfully into the wall, his breaths heavy on my neck. But before he could do more, his breath hitched and I tried to calm my nerves.

His eyes met mine before they slowly made a descent to look at his heart where I still held my bejeweled knife that was impaled into his pale flesh.

Within seconds, he was off of me, my dagger back in my hand and he slumped down onto the floor, dead cold.


I'd killed the vampire with my trusted and lethal dagger. Deadly to both vampires and werewolves and some more supernatural creatures, my knife/dagger was made of Silern Steel.

I quickly scampered back to my feet and glanced around. No one.

With deft hands, I took off the guard's jacket and donned it in hopes of masking my scent as much as possible. Then, I took off my heels and fitted them between a tight crevice and pulled hard and vicious. Within moments, the heels were broken and the shoes became a pair of easy-to-escape-in flats.

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now