7. Lucien

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I quirked a brow, eyes frosted with cold detachment, when Queen Kesla made the girl stay.

Queen Kesla had been looking for someone all these years, I understood that, why else would she be holding up such a routine? But how could it possibly be this girl? And why?

And I could feel my lips twitching to hold back my twisted smile when Kesla declared that she would be staying in the stables. I mean, it seriously called for some bemused reactions.

The girl's jade green eyes found me and I wasn't able to completely mask my surprise. Because this was certainly unusual.

"What's your name?"

My eyes whipped towards the Queen's whose attention was trained on the girl but this time, my eyes were narrowed. What the heck?

What game are you playing, Queen Kesla?

But I couldn't deny that I was curious to know the girl's name as well. After all, I couldn't just keep calling her 'the girl' or the 'onyx haired slave' or 'my captive', right?

"Cara." Her voice was composed and calm, unlike the frantic beating of her heart, but had a slight rasp to it. Probably because she hadn't talked in who knows how long. But it was a pretty name, for some reason, absolutely fitting her.

The Queen mysteriously smiled slightly and then gestured to her handmaid, "Get her a maid uniform. Take her with you and bring her back. Lucien will take over from there."

I blinked, my brows slightly raising and slowly glanced at Cara who was already staring at me.

Did she just say that I, the Vampire Army's General and a Shapeshifter, would deal with this slave girl?

My eyes narrowed further and a slight crease appeared between my eyebrows. I know I felt that things were going to start changing the moment I found Cara. I just didn't guess the magnitude or manner. Or how soon either. I mean, the very reason why I even found her seemed like the work of unknown forces pushing me towards her.

I watched as she was led out of the Hall and the turned to the Queen. I raised my brows silently questioning everything and tilted my head in the direction Cara just went.

The ghost of a smile played on her lips and her eyes traveled down to my waist, where my sword and---

"Give her the dagger back."

I didn't even process before I scoffed, "What?"

Yes, we don't give the slaves any type of weapons but even if they garner one, we all know how much more powerful the supernatural are and what the outcome would be. It could be that she was testing Cara perhaps, though that seemed highly unlikely and then the question would be why.

Though I'm not a vampire and don't crave blood, my race is unique and less in population. Scattered all around the world, we're prized and the epitome of unlimited strength. Having the ability to shape shift into any form, human or animal, makes us great spies and fighters. My high position in the food chain was a big thanks to that aside from my skills and the titles and fame I had gathered in the older days. After that court fell abruptly, I chose the Celeran court to be loyal to and serve solely because of Damien. Unlike the other, I hadn't had a court to return to being a Shapeshifter since we're nomads. Never staying too long in one place, moving in groups. Of course, I was an exception to that but still.

And it does have its perks.

I took a hold of the dagger and observed it in plain view of Kesla.

Sharp and shiny.

Beautiful and deadly.

"You do know this is a Silern dagger, right, Your Majesty?" I asked her, hoping she would divulge something useful.

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