20. Arion

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My sister was certainly planning something but she's not one to be sneaky so this had me wondering what she was up to. 

I ran a hand through my russet hair as I looked out at the scenery from the window of my temporary room. I clenched my jaw.

Killian and how to defeat him again should be my main focus. The very reason for this visit to negotiate with the Vampires.

Gulping down the last remnants of the wine bottle I had, I waited for a servant to come with another one. I should sleep too but here I am, drinking.

But I just can't forget that.

That feeling I had when Cara and I locked eyes. The sparks that traveled out from the spot where our hands touched. I know we both felt it. And it had me restless.

It was almost laughable how the King of the Fae empire of Valeryn was drinking so he could find an explanation for the pull he had felt towards a human slave girl. Ha.

The moment I entered, I'd sought out her eyes like I knew she was here. Lilacs and lemons was a prominent scent for me where she was concerned. 

Those jade green eyes were so beautiful. That silky looking onyx hair......I wanted to run my fingers through them.

I don't even know who she is!!

I tapped the empty bottle on the table and let out a heavy breath. I narrowed my eyes and messed up my hair again. Sera always reprimanded me for this habit of messing my hair up that I have whenever I'm restless but its comforting.

What the hell was this? 

On top of the fact that we're here for negotiations alone because of the danger, Sera wanted a personal handmaiden? Seriously? During the countless amount of times we've visited this place, this is the first time she feels the need for a fucking handmaiden?

Grunting to myself, I opened the top two buttons of my shirt and thought back to the time on the table during the party. 

Obviously, I wasn't the only one taken off guard by my sister's declaration aside from the Queen. But I think what made Lucien and Damien show emotion was that it was the specific girl Cara who was chosen. Now why would that be......

I scrubbed a hand over my chin, leaning further on the chair with my elbows resting on my knees. Looking outside, the moon was a waxing crescent. The guards were definitely toned down around the Palace but our rooms were being protected by the Fae guards as well as the Vampire ones.

Perks of being Royals.

Suddenly, a scent of lilacs and lemons filled my senses and a knock on the door confirmed my suspicions. 

"It's open."

I didn't move from my position on the chair. I didn't want to see her face right now. Her scent was enough of an indicator. I was trying to stay away from her.

What's the irony that the person because of whom I'm drinking is the one who brings me the alcoholic drink?

The door clicked open and then closed as her figure stepped in. I groaned internally, aware that Cara had entered the room and suddenly the bedroom I was in felt stuffy.

I leveled my eyes on her but she kept her head bowed. But I know she can't keep avoiding the pull either. Just the way my eyes are drawn to her, hers are drawn to me.

"Your whiskey, Your Majesty."

Yes, whiskey because the wine wasn't strong enough. We're the largest producers of wine in Vammal and I've almost grown immune to them now. Whiskey though....that works.

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