41. Cara

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I couldn't think straight.

I was overcome with emotions as I stared into nothingness, a dull throbbing starting and hammering inside my skull.

I stared blankly even as pain in my body made it physically hurt.

Dark space.

And I covered in black, thick, foul smelling blood of a Daeva and red blood from my own side which was starting to become a bother as well.

I willed my breathing to turn normal and my body to stop trembling.

The creature had vanished. Finished.

But the blood, destruction and my wounds weren't going anywhere. I couldn't risk going back to my room in the King's wing. Sera and he would be able to smell it on me. And before that, the guards would probably stop me and too much suspicion would rise.

I picked up the sword, avoiding looking at the Ruby and put it in place before gasping for air.

It hurt now that the adrenaline had passed and my fight or flight instinct was turned off. I tried to wipe the blood on my face and neck as much as I could and for the first time didn't curse the dress I was wearing.

During the fight, it had come in the way at times but now, as the full moon's light filtered in, I took up a chance and tore at the ruffles and tulle layers coated in blood.

I quickly wiped over my cheek and parts of my face that had the blood, feeling revolted by it.

The dark color of the thick velvet didn't show the blood as much on my chest either. But I knew it wouldn't work. There was no way.

I'll think about it later.

I exhaled shakily. Now next step was to go clean up and...have some alone time to think.

But where?

I licked my dry lips and looked at the big, round moon and the place came to mind.

My corner.

The one where the lilacs grew and I spent spare time in. Behind the vine covered wall on one side and the alcove like structure, there was a small pond.

It was mostly hidden alongside the bushes and behind the lilac alcove but I'd stumbled upon it during the time I spent there.

That would be perfect.

I hurriedly checked my surroundings, peeking out of the room's lobby and finding the coast clear, so I made my way out.

It was a short distance from here and with only two guards on my way, I easily managed to sneak away. My heart didn't stop thundering in my ears like drumbeats though.

By the time I reached the beautiful alcove, I could feel exhaustion hitting me. I swallowed dryly and with vigilant eyes pushed the vines away and made my way through the thick bushes.

Considering Valeryn's weather conditions, I wasn't expecting a cold chilling breeze. More like a warm, summer one. I was met with something that chilled me enough to raise goosebumps.

Perhaps it was because of tonight's recent ordeal that I was so absent minded.

The scent of lilacs entered my senses and I breathed in deeply in efforts of calming myself.

Soft rustling and my breathing were the only sounds I made as I came face to face with the pound's crystal clear water.

It was around seven meters in diameter and soft ripples were created over the surface whenever the fireflies dipped too low. Low enough to touch the still water.

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now