21. Cara

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I don't think walking in the wilderness as the three males dismounted their horses and we head towards the Celeran borders was on my to-do list for the day.

More like ever.

Only good thing is--

Sorry. I forgot there isn't one.

I don't think Arion likes being with Damien and Lucien either but they have things to discuss regarding the Fae's visit.

Because we all have seen how the Witchlands are faring right now: Full of Mayhem. I know the representative of the Witch kingdom was supposed to come as well but they bailed last minute so the Fae and the Vampires need to make a stronger alliance apparently.

I breathed in deeply, the sun filtering in through the forest's canopy and Princess Sera walked besides me. I would have assumed she'd be one to stay back at the palace not to tag along wearing a trouser and shirt with a bow and arrow. But its true that she and Arion go almost everywhere together as I'm coming to realize.

I was wearing skin tight cobalt blue pants and a purple shirt with cuffs reaching my elbows. My hair was in its signature braid and my dagger was sheathed openly. I would like to think otherwise but my attire was of the colors of both Celera and Valeryn.

What joy.

We'd headed out first thing in the morning. I was hoping to avoid Arion after yesterday but no such luck.

Apparently, we were here because Damien and Lucien wanted to see how the borders were faring after the extra army had been deployed here. Arion having arrived here for negotiations was obviously going to test the waters and check himself too.

More importantly the borders that Celera shared with Hellion. Aside from Celera no other kingdom was in direct contact of land with Hellion. A small part of land was in contact with Hellion's borders and that was the most dangerous. Otherwise for any other kingdom, to reach the place, the Grey sea would have to be crossed and then the Witchlands. Hellion wasn't a good place, rather the homeland to dark creatures. As the name suggest itself.

And if it was anything hellish or dark that they were afraid of; Hellion would be the place the creature would make its home. It reminded me of the blob of darkness.

While the witches are both dark and white, they're supposed to be balancing the nature. Sadly in the recent years, after the King and Queen had left the throne to the King's brother who was assassinated, there had been a blood bath for the crown. But witches are picky and mayhem took place there. So currently, one of the world's most powerful creatures are running amok without a ruler. On top of that, most of the white witches seemed to have gone into hiding because the dark witches attempted more that once to wipe out their sister race.

Its not like the white witches were saints either. But their magic abides by the rules of the nature and they're not instilled with hate in their hearts against any specific race. When it comes to striking a bargain, white or dark, the witch will only aim for what she gets out of her end of the deal. Nonetheless, the white witches have some morals and definitely don't support the cruelty their sister witch race does.

Sera smiled at me. "So, Cara." Her addressing brought all attention onto me. I felt my heart skip a beat. "Tell me, were you auctioned off?"

We were walking ahead of everyone.

By that I mean that Sera, Arion, Lucien, Damien and me were ahead while some twenty guards tagged behind us on foot while keeping a respectable distance. The three Fae courtiers who had come were also there. Two of which I found were the Fae Army General Mark and the Councillor West. 

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