45. Damien/Lucien

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(Damien's P.O.V)

My longsword cackled with electricity, magically infused to handle my powers and almost act like an extended limb.

Lighting flashed overhead, my doing not nature's, and struck a Daeva that was aiming for the Gray Leopard my friend Lucien had turned into.

I swiped my sword at another Daeva, glad we were only left with five more to go but they were truly testing our limits. Powerfully taunting us by going from one place to another in the cover of the shadows whenever the moon hid behind the clouds.

All around us lay Fae bodies and blood and magic wove their way to me. Darr had been dispatched to take care of the witches in Malaar and I could only hope that the weapons Lucien and I had provided were helpful.

I was a heartless bloodthirsty Vampire Prince, yes but I'd like to believe I was one of the better ones. If someone had to die, I'd gladly do it myself just not on the orders of Killian or such. And even then, this heartless monster had been changing gradually.

Pain stemmed in my chest and it wasn't because of the claws that had cut through my armor and skin which was already healing. I pushed it aside for the moment.

I growled in frustration and with my vampire speed, it didn't take me much time to plant successive cuts on the approaching Daeva. It bled and the sulfuric scent of it's pungent blood and existence made me scrunch up my nose in distaste.

Perhaps the first time blood didn't stir anything inside of me because it was so repulsive in just looks. I gagged internally.

Arion threw a Daeva off-kilter and Lucien jumped up to plant his teeth into its neck, tearing a chunk of it out as the hell-born creature regrew and healed simultaneously. I headed to the weakening Daeva and gave the other two a hand as I brought down my longsword in a clean swipe to hack off the Daeva's head.

It dissipated, leaving behind the tar-like blood and and stains that were acidic to even the ground.

I observed from my peripheral how the fabled nine wolves of the Golden Pack fought by our side, all teeth and growls. I was indignantly wondering where exactly their leader and the Alpha King was at the moment and something told me I'd have mixed feelings regarding the answer.

General Markus parried and avoided the claws as he swiftly used his swords and did justice to being in the position of the Fae General.

The unique yellow-eyed, black furred powerful wolves had joined us so wordlessly and suddenly that it'd taken us all aback considering they'd been pretty much invisible for the past century.

There was a red-head who was working with efficient swipes and speed like Lucien's whose name I caught was Micah. Curly hair flopped around like a beacon and I deduced from his off-scent that he was probably a Shapeshifter like Lucien.

Thing was that when he started to merge in and aid us, Arion hadn't seemed to recognize him and neither had Mark. There was something off about him, and not just his scent. But as long as he was being helpful much like the Golden Pack then I could let it slip just like Arion and Lucien had. I'd locked eyes with the mysterious shifter and he'd given me a sharp smile.

I'd narrowed my eyes in return. I wondered why he wasn't using his powers either but another attacking Daeva that came out of nowhere grabbed my attention.

Vampires don't have beating hearts, they're only objects that lie dormant. It's said that once they find their Soulbound, that feat changes. I never truly believed in any of that but right now in such close proximity to Cara, my heart was squeezing painfully.

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