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(Cara's P.O.V)

I stared at the man in front of me.

Not wolf, but human.

Awed and mystified.

The din of battle echoed in the dimly lit hallway. Voices shouting and metal clanging against metal. Growls and magic mixing.

I swallowed visibly and my heartbeat ricocheted. He held my eyes with his which seemed to be burning with a strange unfaltering determination.

My breath hitched and I felt my pulse quicken. Yet relief flooded me like a broken dam floods a village at the sight of him.

Only the heavens know how much I longed to see him in his human form. And really, he didn't disappoint.

The man prowled towards me without a word. And the pull I felt towards him didn't let me take a step back.

I wasn't scared of him though. There was no reason. He hadn't given me one since the beginning.

He had never harmed me and I never felt safer with anyone else.

A string of wanting pulled taunt between us, an invisible force making me crave everything that was him.

My eyes traveled down to his hand. The one holding my trusty jeweled dagger that had skittered towards him and he had picked up.

The Daeva was gone for now but could return anytime soon yet my mind was riddled with him and only him.

Still, what had me frozen in place was the power he exuded and the fact that he was finally in front of me.

All flesh and bone.

And gods. He was painfully handsome. Tall and muscled.

He was a good six feet and more but I was feeling heady with all the rush of emotions to tell the exact measurement. I gulped as my eyes observed the jawline that could cut marble and hair the same color as his fur - ebony - sat mussed up on his head making him look appealing paired with his beautiful eyes and gold tanned skin.

The lean of in his neck was leading down to planes of muscles that stole the breath from me. So defined and powerful that I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from making an embarrassing sound.

Arms that were corded with powerful muscles but he wasn't so bunched that it lessened his looks. His animal form certainly influenced his human one.

I let my eyes dip lower, to the sins waiting as it led a path but then snapped out of it and with wide eyes and blushing, I looked back up at him.

He had shifted and he was naked.

But see, I wasn't ready to see all of him just yet. 

He was closer now.

And his eyes.

The color of his eyes was imprinted in my mind glaringly and as I searched them for any flicker of telling emotion, I felt his close proximity like a tangible thing.

His comforting scent of sage and wood encapsulated me in a soothing embrace and I sighed audibly, my tense muscles relaxing just a tad bit.

His eyes of molten gold weren't glowing like they did in his wolf form but they were no less alluring. Burning me up from the inside out, I could never forget those eyes.

I had to arch my neck as he got closer and the head worth of height difference became prominent.

I stared into the eyes that had held me captive since the time he left his marks on my forearm and then healed them.  Since he helped us avoid a witch ambush on the journey to Valeryn. Since those eyes had reassured me time and again whenever I was in danger like the time in Malaar when the Fae had gotten a hold of me and meant to do me ill in that tavern. Or when I felt more alone than I ever had and he had lent me a shoulder to cry on and consoled me without words and just his presence.

Vicious Fangs (Mystic Bonds #1) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now