When you're on your period

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Requested by ZivaRose1

Green cinnamon roll

Urg, you don't want to live anymore. The pain's unbearable.

You're lying in bed, hating your life. Why being a girl has to be this painful? It's not fair…!

«Hey (y/n), you're here?»Deku asks opening the door.

«What's left of her. What do you want?»you ask back, sitting to look at him

«It's a nice afternoon. Want to go take a walk in the park?»he suggests approaching you.

«Sorry Deku, I'm not feeling very well.»you answer.

«Oh, I see…maybe we could just stay inside and watch a movie or…»

«For God's sake would you leave me alone?!»you yell interrupting him.

He stares at you and you sigh.

«I'm sorry Deku.»you apologize.

«Don't worry. If you want to be left alone I'll leave you.»he says smiling.

«No, please, stay! I'm sorry! I wanna cuddle!»you exclaim.

He giggles and shakes his head.

«Guess today's one of those days…you get really moody when the time comes.»he notices sitting next to you.

«Mmh…how do you always notice?»you murmur hugging him tight, hiding your face into neck.

«Because I know you. Are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to get you something?»he asks caressing your head.

«Yeah, medicines and food, a lot of food!»you answer nodding.

He giggles and caresses your cheek.

«Got it. I'll be back in five. Put a movie on and wait for me, ok? We'll stay inside and cuddle all afternoon.»he says kissing your forehead.

Deku stands up and leaves and you put on the movie.

When he comes back you take what you have to and immediately feel better, so you cuddle close to his chest as you enjoy the movie. Sweetest boyfriend ever.

Explosion king

«GET OUT OF THE DAMN WAY!!!»you yell as you stump your foot to go to your room.

Today's one of those days and you really can't stand anyone. You just want to shut in your room and ignore the world.

«Hey bitch! Let me in!»your sweet boyfriend says beating on your door.

«GO THE FUCK AWAY YOU IDIOT!»you yell back.

But he still opens the door and then closes it behind him.

«What the fuck's gotten into you?»he asks.


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