After the kidnapping

507 13 29

Green cinnamon roll

After the police saved Deku they brought him to the hospital to cure him. Just the time to go back to the dorm and take off your hero costume and you immediately ran to the hospital.ù

You open the door of his room and find him sit on the bed, bruised and full of bendages. Your eyes get teary as you run to him. He notices you only when you jump on him, hugging him tight.

«(y/n)! Hey...! I wasn't expecting you to come so soon.» he says caressing your hair.

You start to cry into his shoulder and he hugs you tighter.

«Hey, I'm fine, don't worry. She only beat me up a little, nothing major. You endured worse when you were kidnapped.»

«I know but still...I was so afraid! I don't know what I would have done if she had touched you that way...»

He blushes a bit, caressing your hair.

«If we're being totally honest, she sort of did...» he sighs. «She kissed me and caressed my chest...but I'm fine, really. I have you between my arms, nothing could go wrong.» he reassures you.

You look up at him, caressing his cheek.

«You mean it? You're really fine? If you're not tell me! Whatever you need, I'll do it.»

«Well, there are a couple of things you could do, if you don't mind.» he blushes hard.


«Well, maybe we could wait a bit before, you know...» he blushes even harder and you nod.

«Don't worry, I just want you to feel comfortable.» you sweetly caress his hair and he smiles.

«Thanks. Now, second thing, I still feel her taste on my lips. Could you...?»

You kiss him before he can say anything else. He smiles on your lips and kisses you back, holding you tight by the waist.

As you two are kissing the door opens and Tsukauchi walks in.

«Oh, sorry...! I should know by now I always have to knock before entering a room where you UA couples are.» he says averting his gaze.

You and Deku let go of each other and blush hard.

«It's fine. Is there a problem?»

«I just wanted to let you know we caught Akira and Yoshiko, they'll be gone for a while, you can rest easy now.»

Deku smiles as you sweetly caress his chest.

«I guess you have nothing to say about what happened, do you, Deku?» 

He shakes his head.

«Absolutely nothing.»

Tsukauchi chuckles and shakes his head.

«You UA kids are all the same. Well, happy it ended well. I'll leave you two alone now.»

He bows and walks out while you go back kissing Deku.

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